"You, my friend, are insane." I barked a loud, nervous laugh. I took a skittered step back. "This entire thing is insane. You're King ARTHUR for God sakes. This...I did not sign up for this. I've been through enough bullshit in my life time."

Tarah began to walk away as well, backwards, to make sure none of the elders sitting in the old, large thrones tried anything. I tugged on Xander's arm, and he began following me reluctantly, but knowing I wasn't goin to change my mind. Johnny was already turned, not even giving a second look at his father.

"We're going to leave now. And when you decide to tell me something slightly sane-"

"Young lady." Guinevere barked. I scowled, turning my eyes to her. She shook her head, obviously disgusted with her husbands offspring.

"This is not over." She warned, a devious smirk grinning to for on her mouth. I scoffed, but nodded curtly.
And with that and a bang of smoke, the heroes of Camelot disappeared out of the room.

"That was easier than expected." Tarah murmured. I grinned slightly, even though a little shaken that my "dad" expected me to marry some guy I just met in a year.

"Too easy." I murmured, seeing a figure come closer to us as we walked out the mountain.

"My lord." Xander addressed carefully, not looking the man I couldn't fully see yet in the eye. I was standing behind Xander and he moved slightly more in front of me, his body hiding mine in a protective manner.

"Alexander." A deep voice said curtly, and I automatically recognized it as my fathers. Both Xander and I scowled.

"I would just like to have a word. With my daughter, if you please." Arthur said, his voice still stiff.

"Ask your daughter, my lord, not me." Xander shook his head, but bowed and made his way out of the mountain. Johnny followed, and after a hesitant glance towards me Tarah scurried after. I turned my line of vision to the man standing in front of me.

"Sir." I bowed my head slightly. Arthur smirked a little, making me roll my eyes. "What do you want?" I snapped.

"Just a warning and a gift." He told me, as if trying to suade me to calm down.

"I'll take the warning." I told him. "Present time from daddy hasn't happened since mothers boyfriend number 5. Hard pass."

Arthur gave me a puzzled look, but continued anyway.
"Stay away from Mordred; the man is nothing but trouble." He cautioned. I chucked darkly at that.

"Hadn't noticed, daddy dearest."

A smirk broke out on Arthur's face as he barked out a laugh. "Oh, God you are definitely mine. And for the gift-"

"I told you I didn't want any gift from you." I interrupted. Arthur rolled his eyes. Sassy for a man over 500 years old.

"I don't have to give you anything- you already have it."

I glanced into my fathers amused eyes in confusion.
"Okay, fine. I give. What're you talking about, old man?"

Arthur gave me a slight look of irritation, but said, "Your necklace. Tell me, how long have you had that?"

"Since I was born." I said automatically. "My mother said it was from my-oh."

That brought a small round of laughter from Arthur.
"Now, tell me, Mylah, have you ever opened it?"
I shook my head slowly. It wasn't a locket, but a small silver pallete type of metal with a cross etched intricately onto the front, and an old faded design that looked like words on the back.

"Tell me, what does the back say?"
I unclipped the necklace slowly, then turned it over in my palm.

"I have no idea." I admitted. "It's faded and looks like another language."

"It is." Arthur nodded encouragingly. "My home language. Try again."

I did, rubbing my thumb over it trying to clear any debris from it."

"Caledfwlch." I stumbled over the word. The script was intricate and hard to read withOUT the weird language.

"A form of Welsh, you would say." He nodded.
"What does it mean?" I asked curiously.

"What do you think?" Arthur challenged.
I thought about what Id learned about my father when I had to teach a few lesson of him in school. I spent a week pouring over different books and sites.

"Well," I said hesitantly, "You're most often portrayed with some sort of weapon, not much else. And you had a few."
Arthur nodded encouragingly.
"You had Seure, which I'm guessing you gave to Lancelot, after being successful battle; Clarent, which supposedly killed you..."
I trailed off in confusion, looking up at him in confusion.
"Supposedly." He prompted with a grin. "Continue."

"A spear with some huge name, a dagger which translation meant "little white-hilt, and- Oh, man no way!" It dawned on me the translation. Arthur laughed.

"Very good." He complimented. "The daggers name was "Carnwennan" and the spears name "Rhongomyniad". But other than that very good."
"I was close." I mumbled. "But dude! Have I seriously been--?"

"Magically holding the most infamous sword secretly around your neck for the past 15 years? Yes, yes you have. Mylah,"

Arthur took the necklace and pressed a small, unnoticeable trigger on the side of the piece.

"Meet Excalibur."

Mylah Gray: Descendants of CamelotWhere stories live. Discover now