However long it takes

Start from the beginning

The little girl nodded. Betty then thanked Sabrina again and walked to class, the school being only a few blocks from her apartment.

Sabrina was a twenty-five year old girl. She lived in the nearby town of Greendale and did a few jobs here and there to keep herself busy, even though her family was quite wealthy.

She had been babysitting Juliet since Betty returned from Los Angeles, and the two had become good friends.

After a few minutes of walking, Betty arrived at school. Veronica was waiting for her at the entrance. "Ah, there you are! I thought you were going to be late again."

"Sorry, I... I didn't realize the time was up, I was writing an article for the Blue and Gold," Betty denied.

"Hm. Well, let's get to class quickly, Archie is waiting for us in the classroom."

Betty nodded, quickly put her things in her locker, then followed Veronica into the classroom. As usual, she sat in the front row between the brunette and Archie. The teacher arrived a minute later.

"Good morning to you all," he greeted them as he set his things down on his desk. "Today's class will be quite special. You will, in pairs, have to take care of a fake baby in order to train for your future. And before you say anything, I want to make it clear that the pairs were made by me.

Betty chuckled. She didn't need a class to take care of a baby; she'd been doing it for two years in real life. Unfortunately, she couldn't choose her partner to do it.

"All right," the teacher continued, "Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge; Toni Topaz and Sweet Pea; Kevin Keller and Josie McCoy; Cheryl Blossom and Reggie Mantle."

Before he could continue, Cheryl interrupted him. "I refuse to do this, let alone with that idiot of Mantle. I'm a lesbian and I don't want kids, this class is useless to me," the redhead complained, crossing her arms.

"You are required to attend class, Miss Blossom, or it will count as an absence. Well, let's continue: Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones."

Betty turned to the boy at the back of the class. Jughead was a Serpent, part of a Southside gang. His father was the leader. Southside High had recently closed, and most of the students had transferred to Riverdale High.

The two had never really spoken before; the Northsiders avoided mixing with the Southsiders and preferred to avoid them. It was said that they dealt drugs and were dangerous, even though this was partly untrue.

The teacher finished forming the pairs, and they had to move to sit next to each other. Betty took her things and moved to the back of the classroom, where Jughead was sitting.

Jughead was wearing a strange crown-shaped beanie; perhaps to prove his superiority? After all, his father was a gang leader, so the boy was high up in the Southside.

Most people were afraid of him, even though Betty thought he was cute. "Hi..." she whispered as she sat down next to him.

"Hey," he replied with a slight, discreet smile. Once the pairs were together, the teacher gave them a baby doll and some things, like diapers and clothes.

"All right," he told them as he returned to his desk. "For the first exercise, you'll need to change your baby's diaper."

"Do you want to try?" Betty asked Jughead, who nodded.

"Yeah, I'll try." He took the diaper and then tried to put it on the doll, but was unsuccessful. He didn't know which way to put it or even how to tie it.

"Wait, let me do it," the blonde said as she took his place, correcting what he had done by putting the diaper on correctly in only a few seconds. The whole thing reminded her of the time when she was changing Juliet. "Done."

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