However long it takes

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Betty lived alone. At least, that's what people thought. She told them that she had rented a small apartment to get away from her parents and be independent, but this was a lie.

Betty did not live alone. She lived with her two-year-old daughter, Juliet, whom she had had against her will when she was fifteen. In the evening, on her way home, she was assaulted and got pregnant.

She had explained everything to her parents, but they had thrown her out anyway. Alice didn't want the Cooper's image to be tarnished by her daughter having a child at fifteen, so she kicked her out.

Betty had nowhere else to go. She was pregnant, terrified and alone. Luckily, her grandmother had put her up in Los Angeles while she was pregnant, but she still decided to come back to Riverdale to finish school with her friends.

She didn't talk to her parents anymore and bought an apartment that her grandmother had kindly offered her and Juliet. No one knew about the little blue-eyed blonde, not even her closest friends. Betty was ashamed; not of Juliet, no, but of herself and how she was looked at by others.

So she had told her friends that she was going to study journalism for a year at a good school in Los Angeles before coming back to Riverdale. She told them that she didn't want to live with her parents anymore and that's why she had an apartment; and they believed her.

Since then, she continued to study at Riverdale High while keeping her secret well hidden. During the day, the nanny looked after Juliet and Betty took care of her when she got home from school, on weekends and during the vacations.

Sometimes her grandmother would watch her so that Betty could spend time with her friends like a normal teenager.

"Stay with me today," the little girl mumbled as she clung to her mother's leg.

"You know I can't, sweetie," Betty sighed, "I have to go to class today, but I'll be home early so we can spend time together."

Obviously, Betty and Juliet couldn't be seen together. So when Juliet went to the park for fun or to Pop's for a milkshake, the nanny would take her, pretending to be her mother.

Betty was now seventeen and still studying like other people her age. For the moment, she had no plans to go to college: she wanted to be there for her daughter before she grew up and didn't need her anymore.

She had thought about getting a job as a long-distance journalist, maybe in Los Angeles to be near her grandmother. She didn't know yet, but she had more than a year to think about it.

"I'll be back in a few hours, okay?" Betty said to Juliet as she finished brushing her beautiful blonde hair.

She was actually happy that she looked like her. She didn't really remember her abuser, but Juliet was the exact image of her. Blonde curls, blue eyes and already very intelligent.

She was finishing brushing her hair when she heard a knock on the door. "Ah, there's Sabrina. Wait for me here." Betty got up from the couch then went to open the door for the nanny before letting her in. "I'll be home in just a few hours, school ends early."

"Okay, no problem," Sabrina smiled. "You let me know when you get home. I'll take Juliet to the park and maybe eat at Pop's if that's okay?"

"No problem. But don't give in if she asks for more food than she needs, okay? That kid eats like an ogre," Betty laughed.

Sabrina laughed too. "Don't worry, I'm used to it. She eats more than I do, I don't know how she does it! Well, you should go if you don't want to be late."

Betty looked at the clock. "Shit, you're right. I don't know what I'd do without you, thanks again," she thanked her as she grabbed her school stuff. "I'll be home soon, sweetie," she then said to Juliet as she kissed her head. "I love you, sweetheart. Be a good girl, okay?"

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