"Ah, yes. The evil little wolf lurking inside of you that always seems to go for the reckless options."

"I think she knows that it's my only chance to have kids. Like I said, though, he's not yet proven that I'm one hundred percent safe around him. No matter what she thinks or feels, I cannot just let it control me. Hayley is struggling enough dealing with him and he actually likes her. He still snaps at her and all sorts of things. What chance do I stand? If I let him get me in bed he's just going to use it as another way to control me. I will not let him think he's won. No. If his wolf feels the same way mine does, he will earn it. If he wants this to be a good marriage, if he wants this to help his daughter, he will learn to respect me and treat me like family."

"Good," said Aiden. "Just be careful. The wolves won't like it if they think Klaus is getting to control you too much. They're mad enough about what happened to Jerick. There's been a few comments about... a change in leadership."

Ibeth gave a defeated sigh. "I did this for them. I gave up my freedom for them. And now they want to challenge me? If I stop being Alpha, Klaus will probably kill me. The blessing could be revoked." She shook her head. "We'll have a serious talk right now. Establish some sort of boundaries, some rules. I'll make very clear how I expect to be treated and if we can at least be functional... then this can go smoothly. We haven't even been married a week. Perhaps there's some hope. Considering he hasn't killed me, I want to believe things can get better. I want to believe I'm not destined to spend every day afraid and looking over my shoulder." She tapped his arm. "I should get going. Text me if anything comes up."

She took the long way up the stairs, delaying the moment when she'd reach the art room and be left behind closed doors with Klaus. She skidded to a halt when she heard voices up ahead.

"I did nothing to her," Klaus was snarling angrily. "Whatever she said—"

"She told me you didn't do anything," Hayley snapped back. "But she was still scared. She didn't know what you would do to her for the comments she made so she came to a place where she felt safe. What about that is normal to you, Klaus? And what is normal about you coming to peer into the room in the middle of the night just to make her nervous?"

He didn't respond. She continued, "You didn't want me to marry Jackson because you didn't trust him and you didn't want me to lose my freedom. She made this sacrifice for her people. The least you can do is treat her properly. Respect her, don't terrify her. Stop being so controlling. Stop going over her head. Let her introduce you to the way she does things. The Crescents have survived because of her. She's obviously doing something right. So, please, give her the space she needs to run the Pack as she sees fit. Give her the chance to ease you into it, gradually, the way she thinks is right. She's Alpha. Period. Most importantly, she is your wife, and she's fighting for our daughter."

"You know, I've heard a lot from people who claim to be fighting for our daughter. Some, I trust. Some, I do not. But one thing is for sure— there is only one person I trust when it comes to my child's safety, and that would be me. You know, you all seem to think that this is a democracy. I assure you, it is not! If Dahlia is coming, then she is a threat to my child, which means I decide how to protect her. No one else! And if Ibeth or anyone strays from the course that I set, then they will answer to me. My wife would do well to remember that."

Ibeth's breath hitched as Hayley shot back, "Is that a threat to harm her, Klaus? For wanting to keep Hope safe? First of all, I am her mother. I can keep her safe and I will keep her safe. So will the wolves. So will Ibeth. All I've seen so far is her trying to keep Hope happy while struggling to put up with you. You don't treat either of us with respect. I deserve better than this, Klaus. Ibeth and I both deserve better than you snarling at us and wanting things done your way. We get a say, too. She is your wife, and she is Hope's stepmother. She would never jeopardize her safety and neither would I. She's not like Mikael. Stop treating her like she is. Give her a chance. You'll see what I did, within hours of actually getting to know her. She's a good person. Truly... if I had to choose anyone to have been Hope's stepmother, I would have picked her immediately. Don't treat her like crap. Or I will tell Elijah and Rebekah."

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