The steam in the bathroom fogged the mirror as he stripped. The water burning for a moment as he stepped into the shower caused a familiar sensation to rage through his body. The wash of hot water was soothing. The smell of Persephones soap becoming more pronounced. He tipped his face into the stream of water, the idea of pressing his face into her chest as her fingers twisted into his hair coming to mind. The comfort she gave him, the absolution from his past, was the reason he was finally able to sleep peacefully more often than not.

He still had nightmares about Dolarhyde every so often, less frequently than the dreams he kept having of the shadow man. Persephone was always standing before him, warning him, just before the mass of a man appeared from the abyss.

Turning the water off, Will quickly wrapped a towel around his waist. He wanted to dress quickly. He wanted to be wrapped in that feeling of comfort. To be wrapped in her arms. To be comforted and loved with no expectations.

The bedroom was still dark, the curtains blocking all but a small bit of sunlight that crept through the parting. He didn't bother to shut the door all the way. The dogs would come and lay at the foot of the bed when they were ready. Hannibal would be home soon. He made his way to his side of the bed, stopping just short by the sight of Persephone. Her legs were hanging from the edge, toes barely touching the floor. A hand was resting on Hades head, which was on top of the curve of her belly, her other arm draped over her eyes. She wasn't that much smaller than Will, but when she wore one of his t-shirts as she was now, she seemed so much smaller.

Will made his way into the dresser, pulling a plain t-shirt and a pair of boxers. He dried his hair before hanging his towel over the closet door, and pulling on his clothes. Persephone hadn't moved at any of the noise he made, nor at Wills hand on her thigh as he tried to shake her awake. Hades eyed Will, the pit bulls large head still resting over the baby. "You already decided their yours, huh, boy?" Hades whined in response. "I need you to move so I can get her in the bed, you can cuddle with the baby later." Hades blinked again, letting out a huff.

Will gave the dog a half smile. "You can lay at the foot of the bed, but you have to move, buddy." Scooping the large boxy head off of Persephone, he did his best to move the dog. Hades whined again, jumping to the floor before knocking his nose against her legs.

"Perse," Will looked at the dog confused before he shook her leg once more "we need to get you back in the bed."

Still no response. She didn't groan like she usually did when he woke her, her eyelids didn't flutter. Alarm bells began to ring in Wills head. He hoisted her body up onto the bed, resting her head on the pillow before scrambling to find Hannibal's kit.

Hannibal had taught him how to check a blood pressure, they needed to check Bedelia's twice a day. He wrapped the cuff around her bicep, used the tips of his first to fingers to find the pulse near the bend in her elbow. He tried to keep his breathing clam as the panic began to set in. He slipped in the ear pieces and replaced his fingers with the stethoscope bell, pressing firmly.

"I should've called Hannibal before I started this. Persephone, you need to wake up, please."

He pumped the cuff to one-sixty, the immediate thudding of her heart in his ears prompting him to pump more. His eyes focused on the gauge. The thumping stopped after two-eighty, restarting again at two-sixty as the pressure in the cuff released. Hannibal's voice played in his head "A systolic number over two hundred is considered a stroke risk according to most medical texts."

Will tore the stethoscope from his ears. Lunging for his phone before unconsciously dialing for an ambulance. His brain struggled to remember enough French to beg for help. He wished he was better at this.

"Quelle est votre urgence?" The voice of the operator startled Will to his senses.

"Yes, uh.." his voice shook slightly, trembling hands trying to find the pulse in Persephones neck "J'ai...besoin d'une ambulance." His brain felt scrambled "Je pense que mon ami a...fuck...un accident...uh...vasculaire cérébral. Elle est enceinte." Her pulse didn't feel normal, not the way Hannibal had described normal. "Please...send help now."

"L'aide arrivera dans dix minutes. Veuillez rester calme et rester en ligne."

Will put the phone on speaker, setting it next to Persephone before he scrambled to find her cell.

"Votre ami respire-t-il éveillé?" The voice asked over the speaker

Will fumbled with the phone trying dial Hannibal "what? Oh I don't speak French very well. Im sorry, please get them here soon."

The voice on the speaker was drowned out as the phone rang against his ear.

"Hello, my love, did you need something?" Hannibal's voice sounded overly pleased given Wills panic.

"Go to the hospital, she won't wake up, ambulance is coming"

Will heard the engine of Hannibal's car protest as he accelerated "I'm five minutes away, I'll meet you there"

Will dropped the cell phone from his ear sprinting toward the pounding at the front door. "Upstairs" being the only breathless word he could get out after ripping it open. Two medics rushed in, gurney in hand. Hades was at the top of the stairs barking, as if trying to hurry them along. Will rushed into the laundry room hidden in the closet at the top of the stairs, pulling on a pair of dirty jeans before rushing out behind the medics as they hauled a limp Persephone out of the house.  Will did his best to follow behind, but was met by tail lights.

The phone rang from inside the house. Wills legs felt too heavy as he stumbled in to answer. "Stay home and get some rest. We can switch out in a few hours. She'll be fine, Will." Hannibal's calm voice trying in earnest to settle him.

"Do you promise?" His chest felt tight. He was terrified. "Promise me they will both be fine."

"Yes, they will both be fine. I'll make sure of it. I'll call you with an update."

The phone beeped as Hannibal hung up. Wills body felt leaden now, as he dragged himself to the living room. He should just leave, head there now. Could he really trust Hannibal? Was this the same man he's known? He had no choice but to take his word.

His body sunk into the couch. Pulling the throw from the backrest to cover himself, he decided he would take the night shift at her bedside. He would need to rest if he was to watch over her. There was no choice but to listen to Hannibal.

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