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As the door swung open, y/n and Beth piled through with arms full of bags. The blonde girl, y/n was so eager to meet quickly rushed to their aid, taking the bags out of y/n's hands. that was when y/n finally looked up and saw the angel faced girl that was now standing less than a metre away from her. Their eyes met and instant fireworks radiated through both girls bodies. Y/n couldn't believe that the girl she'd seen from afar for so long was now standing in-front of her, smiling AT HER and speaking her name.

'You must be y/n, its so good to finally meet you, I'm Leah, Beth has told me so much about you and it's good to finally meet you face to face' Leah spoke with such confidence and calmness yet just beneath the surface she was in panic of whether she was acting cool and calm in-front of the girl she had spent the last month stalking on instagram, asking Beth question after question to find out all she can about her and when Beth would begin to get suspicious of her motive she would turn to Less and Ella and bombard them with questions of their stunning friend.

'Hi Leah, its great to finally meet you, must admit you don't seem as tall in person, I guess Englands skipper is actually a short ass' y/n also spoke with confidence, not wasting one moment to try and prove to Leah that she was calm and cool and most definitely up for a joke and a flirt.

Leah noticed this and was instantly taken back, with y/n's personality making her like this girl even more than she did previous to them meeting. 

'I see how it is, you can tell you and Beth were brought up together, both piss taking fuckers' Leah exclaims still not breaking eye contact with y/n.

Y/n didn't want to break the eye contact but was becoming increasingly more and more red as the conversation went on, she was going into a full on gay panic.

Beth noticed this and came to y/n's rescue.

'Right no need for that Le, y/n/n is far far worse than me, and anyways you two stop staring at one another and help me unpack, i wanna be able to have a nap before the big party tonight' Beth exclaims, pushing the two girls out of the way as she walks further into the room. 

Both girls were now blushing as Beth had kindly pointed out they had been staring at each other admiring each others features and sinking into one another's deep blue eyes. 

All three girls then began to unpack, chatting as they did so, all small talk about the party tonight and how drunk they thought each girl was going to get.

'I defo think Chlo will be the most drunk' Beth spoke 'especially after how i saw her at my birthday' 

All the girls laughed as y/n and Beth reminisced on the state a certain Chloe Kelly had got herself in that night, being the last to leave the dance floor and sleeping on a sofa at the back of the hired out room.

'Nah nah she'll be up there, but did you hear Sarina, she said to drink as much as we can tonight, which in my mind means Lucy will be the worse, we know how she likes to make everything a competition' Leah exclaims through absolute hysterics, imaging her best friend having to carry her very drunken girlfriend up to bed like she has done on so many nights previously.

'Well if that's the case then, I think it will be you Miss Williamson, as what I've learnt from Beth is you're not shy of a competition now are you' y/n spoke as she shot a wink across the room to Leah.

This had caused Leah to go bright red as y/n spoke, making her go weak in the knees at the idea of her continuing to flirt with her. Leah spoke to herself in her head and told herself to 'pull it together Leah' it must be y/n's thing to be like this, she must just have a flirty personality, there's no way she actually likes Leah, I mean she's forced to talk to her cause they're sharing a room, this exchange is nothing.

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