(Not-So) Silent Loving

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All was in vain, however, because as soon as red eyes found untamed viridescent curls and wide jade eyes, the feelings sprouted once more inside Katsuki's chest, curling around his lungs and taking his breath away.

Katsuki is in love with Izuku. He calls him baby.

He hopes that this desperate, aching longing will part from him soon.

— —

— — —

— —

Katsuki is going to collapse at any second.

For the past week, Aizawa-sensei had unleashed a hellstorm upon the class; training that left their muscles aching and bones sore, ridiculous heaps of homework assignments, surprise pop quizzes.

The entire class collectively stayed up to try to help each other figure out the shitshow that was math homework. Katsuki, who was usually in bed at eight, collapsed into bed at four in the morning the night before.

He feels like he's underwater, every movement taking a tremendous amount of effort and energy, mind foggy and dazed and completely fucking gone.

"You look like you're dead," Kirishima comments. Warm. There's warmth radiating from next to him. Katsuki leans into it, desperately trying to squeeze in some more sleep.

"Ei," Katsuki mumbles out. "Coffee."

A laugh. It sounds familiar. Kirishima's?

"Alright, tough guy. Let's get you a coffee."

Yeah. Kirishima.

Katsuki blinks, letting his eyelids stay closed for a moment before opening them again. He's temporarily disoriented until he looks down at the counter. Smooth, grey, tiny dots.

Oh, kitchen. He's sitting on one of the bar stools next to the kitchen island.

Katsuki crosses his arms on the counter and buries his head into them, instantly dozing off into a restless sleep.

A musty, cardboard-like scent floods Katsuki's nostrils, making him lift his head up to find a green mug sitting in front of him, steam curling out from the top.

After a moment of struggle, Katsuki manages to get a firm grip on the mug and bring it up to his lips. The sharp, brute bitterness spreads over Katsuki's tongue, the liquid making its way down his throat and the caffeine up to his brain. His eyes rest on the edge of the mug, where a small part of it was chipped off.


Green, like Izuku's hair and eyes and—

Baby. His baby. Deku. Izuku. Baby.


Izuku, baby, Deku, Izuku, Deku, Deku, Izuku, baby

"Good morning, everyone!"

The voice of an angel, soft and light and soothing and ethereal, its wings wrapping around Katsuki's heart, warming every inch of his body.

A dozen murmurs from other voices. Katsuki can't put a face to the voices. He doesn't bother, doesn't care.

The angel's voice is back, next to him this time, leaving a gentle buzz right under Katsuki's skin. He takes a long gulp of coffee, eyes fixed back onto the chip in the green mug.


Green, like forests, like leaves, like emeralds and jades, like Izuku's—


(Not-So) Silent Loving - (A BakuDeku Fan Fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ