They fell for what felt like minutes, but a few seconds later Terrax opened his wings and began to propel himself forward.

"That's it, Terrax! Do you see the island there? If you get us there first I will let you roam free for a week!" Aemma encouraged her dragon, who seemed to respond well to the idea of his reward as he began to fly even faster. Aemond turned his head and saw Sunfyre and Dreamfyre still a ways back.

"Come on, Aemma!" Aemond yelled. Aemma had never seen Terrax fly this fast, in two minutes Terrax was already searching for a place to land.

He settled for the sandy beach that led up to the gates of the castle. As he landed, sand flew everywhere, which covered Aemma and Aemond as it settled. Aemma climbed off the saddle first and held her hand out as she steadied Aemond. 

"I truly did not think flying could feel like that." Aemond said as shook his head, trying to loosen the sand in his hair. Aemma scratched at her scalp as the sand began to itch. 

"Should we wait for Aegon and Halaena?" Aemma asked. 

"I suppose so. I can't imagine it would take them much longer." Aemond shrugged.

Aemond stood corrected as a few moments later, the dragons descended from the sky and landed on the beach, leaving ample space between them. Aegon and Halaena walked toward Aemma and Aemond, and they made their way up the winding path that led to the castle.

"The Princes Aegon and Aemond Targaryen, and the Princesses Halaena Targaryen and Aemma Velaryon!" The guard that escorted them to the hall where her grandparents, Corlys Velaryon, and Rhaenys Targaryen stood side by side as they awaited the arrival of their guests. Both were dressed in black, and Aemma noticed the grief and sadness etched onto their faces.

"I am so sorry about the loss of Laena, I can only imagine the pain you are suffering." Aemma said as she approached her grandparents, leaving her aunt and uncles as they bowed their heads respectively. Corlys pulled her into a strong hug. 

"I cannot thank the Gods enough for allowing you to return to us, my dear granddaughter." Corlys pulled back to gaze upon her. 

"Thank you for your condolences, Aemma." Rhaenys said coldly. Aemma pulled away from her grandfather and approached Rhaenys, who tilted Aemma's head from left to right with her hands as she examined her. She let out a small sigh and pulled Aemma towards her in a hug.

Rhaenys knew that Rhaenyra's children were not of Laenor's blood, but she knew he loved them deeply. Whenever she and Laenor corresponded either through letters or visits, he never failed to mention his beloved daughter. In his many descriptions of her, she reminded Rhaenys of Laena; smart, kind, and strong-willed. Gods Laena had been strong-willed, especially when it came to getting what she wanted. When she wanted to marry Daemon Targaryen she refused to take no for an answer. And that marriage led to the babe that killed her.

"Forgive me for asking, but my family has not arrived yet, have they?" Aemma asked. Rhaenys shook her head. 

"They are expected to arrive early on the morrow. They will be traveling by ship due to the proximity of the islands." She said. Aemma tried to ignore the feelings of disappointment that overcame her. She missed Luke terribly and she knew her brothers would also be grieving Harwin's death. Aemond grimaced at the thought of his nephews coming to torment him. 

"The King and Queen are expected to arrive rather soon, we seem to have arrived a little earlier than expected." Aemma said. 

"That is alright, your uncle and cousins are expected to arrive within the hour, perhaps you can keep them company until everyone else arrives." Corlys said with a slightly forced smile. A sudden tension weighed on the room at the mention of her uncle Daemon.

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