The Ghost Monument Part 4

Start from the beginning

"Epzo!" The Doctor shouted and entered the room Epzo was in.

"Oh, my God." Graham spoke as he entered the room.

"What? What is it?" You spoke stuck behind Graham. Graham moved and you entered the room. "Holy shit."

Epzo laid on a surface and a dirty cloth like creature was preventing him from breathing. The Doctor pulled out her sonic and pointed it at him.

"Nothing's working on it." She said.

Angstrom got a knife and cut the creature. The creature let go and Epzo got up.

"We've seen them before. Like, all over the planet. Like they were lying dormant." Graham spoke.

"Lying dormant till night, across the whole planet...clearing up the wounded." The Doctor realised.

"Doctor! I found you!" Yaz shouted and entered the room. "The SniperBots are on their way down after us."

The grabbed your arm and pulled you closer to her. Ryan entered the room and noticed the creature.


"We need to get out of here! Everybody, move fast!" The Doctor held your hand and everyone got out the room.

Everyone ran through the tunnels, the Doctor closed the doors using the sonic.

"Why have we stopped?" Yaz asked.

"Listen." The Doctor said. "They've shut down the life support systems, depriving us of air."

"A man could really take against those robots." Graham spoke, catching his breath.

"We need to get out of the tunnels."

"But it's night."

"This exit ladder will take us up and out to the surface." Angstrom spoke and you looked at the ladder infront of you.

"What's up there?" Yaz asked.

"Acetylene Fields."

"Acetylene? Like the gas?" Ryan spoke.

"That doesn't sound good." Yaz said.

"We're running out of air and actions, so let's go up." The Doctor spoke and Graham went up first.

Ryan walked towards the ladder and stood infront of it.

"You OK?" You asked him.

"It's not my favourite thing...climbing ladders under pressure."

"Can I just say? You are amazing."

"Am I?"

"Think of what you've gone through to be here, and you're still going. I'm proper impressed."


"If it helps, focus on facts about acetylene as you climb. Did you cover it in your NVQ?"

"Think we might've done, yeah."

"Got to be quick now, Ryan. Sorry."

He exhales and starts to climb the ladder. The Doctor looked at you and smiled, you smiled back.

Once everyone climbed the ladder, you were all out in the open, running.

"That's some smell." Yaz said.

"What is it, garlic?" Graham asked.

"Wait. Everyone, stop. Look. It's like the ground's moving." Ryan said and everyone stopped running.

"Finally, a big feast of lives." The creatures just like the one from earlier spoke and moved towards you all.

"Nobody moves!" The Doctor spoke and subconsciously grabbed your hand.

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