The Ghost Monument Part 1

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Space, that's all that is surrounding you, stars full of gas, milky ways, and other pretty colours. You looked to your left and saw the Doctor, also floating in space. You heard a noise and then saw a claw moving towards you. At this point you were very low of oxygen and then blackness hit you like a brick.


"None of the equipment on this thing make any sense!" You faintly hear someone say.

You open your eyes and Blink a few times to adjust to the new lighting. You were in some sort of tube. You looked to your right and saw Yaz with her eyes closed.

Is she dead? You thought.

"Stop insulting my ship. This is one of the best crafts around." Another person spoke.

The door to the tube opened and you stepped out, almost falling in the process.

"I'd hate to see the others!" You heard the same female voice say.

"I don't need your help."

"Yes, you do!"

You looked around and you noticed you were now in a spaceship. Right infront of you is a metal door and you walked towards it, the door opened automatically and you continued to walk forwards.

"Your power's failing across three sections, the ship's on the verge of total shutdown."

As you walked into the new room you saw the Doctor.

"How can a planet be in the wrong place?!" The other person in the room said. "It should've been back there where I scooped you up. We should be in it's gravity belt by now."

"Well, we're not."

"I can see that."

"Doctor, hi. There's a burning smell around here." You spoke.

"I can smell it too." You heard Yaz say.

"When did you wake up?" You asked confused.

"Seconds after you did."

"You were right, they're both still alive." The man spoke.

"Yaz, Y/n you need to stay locked in the medipod."

"Why?" You spoke.

"Where's Ryan and Graham?" Yaz asked.

"There! The planet's there." The Doctor spoke and pointed at the window.

"How can it be there?" The man spoke.

"Does it even have a name?"

"Only a symbol. Or a warning. Closest word is..."

"Hello Sweetie." You spoke and the Doctor looked at you.

"No. The word is.... Desolation. Right. I can do this. I am not going to be beaten." The man spoke as he moved to a different chair. "Move! I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve."

"Manual shield activation? This thing should be on Antiques Roadshow!" The Doctor spoke and you laughed.

"Right. Blast sheilds up. Don't know how long they'll last for, though."

"Brilliant, about to crash land on Desolation. Real grounds for optimism!"

"Do you not understand anything? I can't even get us there, because of the fuel...." The man pulled down a lever. "Because of the fuel I've wasted scooping you up."

"I'm on a spaceship. OK..." Yaz spoke.

"I can get us into the atmosphere if we jettison the rear section." The Doctor spoke.

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