Relief flooded the boy's bodies since if Shouta wasn't worried about it, they knew she had to be safe or just in the bathroom. 

She looked at Shouta nervously and something told him that she wanted to talk to them. 

"These are some of my students Eri, their Eli's brothers," Shouta told her, first taking her to Hitoshi who still was trying to wrap his head around everything that had happened, and was currently happening. 

"H-Hi," she said with a small wave. 



Himiko was being held like a baby, as was Kota. The icy morning air blew against their faces softly, causing pinkish-red hues to appear on their cheeks and noses. In her hands was a small box that Eli had told her to hold 

Eli had also taken a blanket from the hospital and laid it on the only dry part of the ground available before setting Himiko down and placing Kota in her lap. 

The gravestone was dirty from lack of upkeep, but the flowers that were planted around it seemed to be doing alright. Taking the box, Eli opened it up to reveal a hard brush and some other cleaning supplies. 

Kota and Himiko watched as she did this, so calmly, looking as if she hadn't a worry in the world. 

Inko Midoriya. 

Before long, Eli began to talk as she cleaned, just loud enough for her children to hear her as well. 

"I'm sorry for not visiting you in all these years," 

How long had it been? What, over 10 years since she'd been back here? The first and only time was the funeral service but after that...

"You must've thought I forgot about you..." she trailed off. 

"You were the best mother anyone could ever have and I want you to know that never did I want another, you were all I'd ever wanted, and you gave me everything," 

The wind blew through her words, quieting them. The brush scratched against the surface of the tombstone rhythmically, as if going along with the music that breezed through the trees and shingles. 

A single tear slid down Eli's eye but a small smile appeared in opposition to it. Wiping it quickly, she turned to Himiko and Kota who sat silently, Himiko allowing him to somewhat anxiously play with her fingers as they waited. 

"This is Kota and Himi," Eli spoke. 

"I'd of brought Sho, but he's not in any condition to be out here," she explained. 

"But, they are still some of the newest," Eli said again with a small chuckle. 

"Mama?" Kota finally called out. 

Despite the relationship he'd formed with her, Eli had only shown him certain sides of herself. He couldn't imagine her as scary as Eri did when she came to rescue her, nor could he understand how someone could do anything to the person that loved him so dearly. 

I-Island was the only time he saw her even remotely angry, but he hadn't seen the battle atop the building. 

He'd only seen her smile and cry, and hug him along with his aunt and uncles. He'd seen her asleep when he awoke in the dead of night snug between her and Touya or Keigo. He'd only seen her worried for him and the others, he'd seen her tired and on the edge, but never scary. 

She was always like this, staring at him as she basked in the name he called her, smiling as she nodded her head at Himiko who moved to sit beside her, Kota still bundled up in blankets in her arms. 

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