Chapter Thirteen:The Final Game

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(Trigger Warning:Blood, PTSD, gore, swears, and such

(Trigger Warning:Blood, PTSD, gore, swears, and such

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Also Ice's reform look. Art and drawing is by me)

Nightmare Turbo begins to charge at Turbo Elodie who quickly dodges, before she summons ten arrows, then shoot them which Nightmare Turbo begins to fly to avoid them, but got shot by a few which they bleed a bit. "Ice...I don't wanna fight you...but if I have to..I you can simple..turn don't have to do this..I understand you're hurt..I is you wish you can fix, but you can''ve been through a lot..and I can tell..but hurting others isn't gonna solve it..." Turbo Elodie said in her soft and calm tone.

Nightmare Turbo glares a lot before grabbing her. "You..know NOTHING!!!!!!!" They yells, before throwing Turbo Elodie into the sky, which they flies up. Turbo Elodie begin to summon arrows behind them before snapping her fingers which the arrows hit Nightmare Turbo's back which they hisses, before using ice to cover the wounds up. "So you wanna play?~" They asks, before summoning sharp ice spikes around Turbo Elodie, "LET'S PLAY" They said, before snapping their fingers. Turbo Elodie immediately shoot arrows at the spikes, but she got hit by a few.

Suddenly Nightmare Turbo flies in front of her and stabs an ice spike D E E P into her right eye. Turbo Elodie screams in pain, before Nightmare Turbo begin to used an ice fist before punch Turbo Elodie all the way down into the ground. "BABE!!!!" Pixie yells, before Phoenix hold her back, "Woah woah! We can't do anything..she's gonna be ok...she will..." she said as Pixie tears up in worried.

Turbo Elodie breathe heavily, before she pull the spike out which she hisses, but rip her bow tie off and a few pieces of her long sleeves, before using it to hold the blood in the wound. She slowly gets up, but panting. " are REALLY hard to know that right?..." Nightmare Turbo asks, glaring and tries to attack her with their ice sword, but Turbo Elodie used her arrow to break the ice sword. "I'm not giving up so easily...I'm doing what's right....Ice...I know you're for a chance.." She said. Nightmare Turbo tears up a bit, before wiping them off and begin to charge at Turbo Elodie which the two fall to the ground and begin to fight.

Turbo Elodie power punches them to the ground, before make arrows come at them and chain them down. "I'm NOT gonna say this again!...just end this!..this isn't healthy! For you or for anyone!!" She said. "YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!!!!" Nightmare Turbo yells, before breaking free easily, before grabbing her robotic arm and pulling it HARD..ripping it off, then blast Elodie all the way into the Bodega.

Elodie cough blood a lot, while shaking and looking at her missing arm and having flashbacks about Zeus. She tries to get up, but couldn't..she breathe heavily and see Nightmare Turbo walks to her. "Wait!....maybe...we should stop....." Nightmare Turbo said in Ice's softly tone. "What?! NO!!! WE ARE SO CLOSE!!!" Nightmare Turbo yells, trying to snap out of it. "B-But..look at what...we've's hurts....." Ice Snow mumbles.

Elodie slowly gets up, before putting her hand on their shoulder which Ice Snow/Nightmare Turbo looks at her. "Ice...I know you're're hurt and feel broken...but there's still hope....just please...come back...we can help you..." She said, weakly smile at her. Suddenly the Bodega begin to shakes and crash on the two of them. "ELODIE/ICE!!!!!" Pixie and Enid yells at the same time, before running to their GFs. "ICY!!!!" Natasha yells, before running as so did the others.

They begin to move the stuff out of the way, before seeing Ice Snow using her wings to protect Elodie. "I-Ice!!" Ramona said before running to her and Elodie. "Woah..she got wings now" Venomous said before Carol slap him. "They're Alive..but we got to hurry..not sure how long they can last..." Ramona said. Suddenly Rad shows up with his van.

So what are we waiting for?

(Hope you enjoy this. Ramona, Pixie, and Natasha belong to Ra1nSt0rm )

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