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Brylie woke up late the next morning, as soon as she had gathered herself from the bathroom yesterday, she felt tired and nodded off to sleep in her bed, still dressed in her boots and clothes. Reluctantly, she got out of her bed, folding her corners at a 45 degree angle, and then grabbed another T-shirt, pants, clean under garments, and her showering supplies, threw them all in a bag, and made her way to the shower. She was glad the stalls had locks, along with another room to put your things in. Long story short, she was glad privacy existed in the task force.

Ghost went looking for her that morning while she was in the shower, and frowned when he couldn't find her. Until he saw her opening the door from the showers, bag in hand, hair wet and her shirt tucked into her jeans. She wore no shoes, but her room wasn't far from the showers, so it didn't bother her. He turned the corner, careful to stay out of her sight and watched as she ran her fingers through her wet hair, and headed into her room down the hall.

Brylie slipped into her bedroom, and closed the door behind her. Ghost listened for a lock, but didn't hear one. He cursed under his breath, she had seen him, otherwise any time Brylie went into her room, she locked it out of habit of wanting to be alone all the time. But it felt like she was inviting him, so he muttered a profanity before heading into her room unnoticed. Today the halls were empty, that much he was thankful for.

He opened the door, quickly closing it behind him. Brylie stood in front of her mirror, brushing her hair. But Ghost was on her quickly, taking the brush out of her hand and brushing her wet hair for her.

"Good morning, Hunter." His voice was soft, yet still demanding.

"Morning Simon." Her eyes flickered to his, amusement evident. He silently groaned, he loved his name coming from her. Ghost wrapped his hand around her neck, careful of the hickies, tilting her head back, lifting his balaclava and kissing her heatedly.

"Don't use my name in front of others, love."

"I hadn't planned on it, Lieutenant." He knew she was messing with him. And he was loving every minute of it. He kissed her deeply one more time, then started brushing her hair. Brylie sat still, not daring to move. The way he made her feel was unreal, her heart raced everytime he looked at her.

"You're lucky you just took a shower, Hunter." He spoke in a deep, rasping voice.

"Why's that?" She asks, looking him from the mirror.

"I'd have you looking like a mess." Brylie looked away trying to avoid meeting his brown eyes. She knew if she did, she'd only blush harder. "See? That's the look I was going for. Add a lot of cum dripping down your legs and from your mouth, and we have a work of art." Even though his face was covered, Brylie knew he was smirking.

"I'll see you later?" He murmured, leaning down and kissing her one more time.

"Mhm." Brylie hummed after he pulled away, and watched him exit her dorm.


Later that afternoon, close to sunset, Brylie sat in the cafeteria with her back against the wall, looking out over the room. She waited until almost everyone had cleared out to enter, which made it much more peaceful for her. Until Justin turned his head in her direction, smirked and then came over to her table. She looked around, hoping Ghost would be near by, but he wasn't. So she was going to have to deal with him on her own.

"Hunter, got a question for ya." Justin dropped his tray aggressively on the table. She looked up, waiting for him to continue. "So what exactly is the deal between you and the Lieutenant?"

Brylie pushed her tongue to the side of her mouth in annoyance before looking away. She could just choose to stay silent.

"Are you fucking? Is that why you're excused from training? Because he gets his dick wet and you get excused? That's low coming from a criminal." He snickered. The whole room went quiet as his voice was loud and clear for everyone who was left in the room could hear. And there were quite a few people. Staying silent was now completely out the window.

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