The awaited time

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Guy it's been 3 weeks now since I came back to Nigeria after 2 surgeries it's not easy at all
Man I know but am happy u are finally getting better u are improving day by day dude
Yeah I have to and it's only because of that little devil 👿 am gonna treat her f*ck up
Guy just take it easy okay  alright .......

Yasmins POV
Ohhh Aisha this work is so hectic like it's almost getting to two months now and this man isn't back yet
Yeah buh u know when ever he resumes work it's gonna be hell for u darling
Whatever am also ready for him
Okay I will just sit back and watch how it goes ..........

The Next Day
  Good morning maa
My lovely son how are u
Am fine thanks
Masha Allah
How are u feeling today
Mum am great ,I feel good ,did u know today I went to mosque 🕌 without anyone's help and I came back did some yoga 🧘 exercise
That's great 😃 mash Allah , Then when are u resuming work
Umm 🤔 Av been thinking of that maybe tomorrow
Uhm my son is a champ am so happy u are okay now 😃😃
Yeah Mum
Okay bye
She left and slammed the door 🚪

About that small devil 👿
Oh yeah she is always late to office from what I heard and she is lazy
😂hah that's what I want to hear she is lazy and I will work her out it's good 😌
I will resume work tomorrow tell Lara
Okay boss .....

Yesmin I just pray this man will treat u well because u are so stubborn and from what I gathered he is grumpy hardly talks to his workers and he is a workaholic
What ever Eesha am not scared 😟 am a grownup woman I can fight anything that comes my way
Okay av heard u Lara announced that our boss will be resuming office tomorrow
My hands was trembling in fears didn't know when the cup in my hands fell
Ahhh ahh Yasmin what's wrong with u
Ohhhh nothing much love it's just that my hands were slippery that's all
Okay if u say so
Let's go to bed so we will wake up early
Bye good night
She left and slammed the door 🚪

Early morning
Am so happy today
I woke up with ease and grateful to almighty Allah for given me a chance to walk and deal with my enemies hmmm bosss u are so happy today
Yes Micheal am happy 😊
That's great sir
Yeah let's go is d car 🚗 ready
Yes the driver is outside
Okay let's go

The car was silent for some minutes
Micheal thank u for being there for me always
Oh boss please it's fine
Hey from now on call me Zaid treat me like ur best friend okay
Okay sir
Micheal !!!
Okay sorry Zaid
Good 😌

We entered the premises everywhere was neat and clean the workers welcomed me in a good manner
Sir u are welcome 🙏
Thank u ☺️
Lara: good morning sir
Sir u re welcome
Thank u Lara
Am so glad u are okay now
I hope so
Oh c'mon am serious sir
Where are those girls
Oh as usual they are late sir
Okay when they arrive send them to my office okay
Okay sir
We entered the elevator 🛗 straight to the 10th floor upstairs

I looked at my desk and was happy
Zaid khalifa
Is back flames 🔥 enterprise limited.
Zaid I will be outside in my office if u need anything please call me 🤙
Okay Micheal
Bye and he left

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