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I walked into school the next day, a lot better than the last week. Luka kissed my cheek and walked with me. He definitely had a bounce in his step. Did he figure out the perfect lyric to his new song?

"Did you say something to Ladybug?" Luka asked.

"No?" I was confused.

A silver band around his wrist made my eyes widen. I knew what it looked like disguised. I grinned, hugging him tightly. Mari made him a permanent part of the team. I was so happy for him. Maybe dinner?

"Ice cream after school," I decided. "We're finally getting to go out again since he won't resurface for a while. Let's enjoy it while we can."

"Don't you have that tour coming up at the end of the year?" Luka asked.

"That's three months away. We have plenty of time," I assured him.

"Fine, but I'm paying," Luka insisted.

I raised an eyebrow at him. He sighed. "Fine."

I kissed his cheek as the bell rang. "What time?"

"Right after." I ran off to Ms. Bustier's classroom.

I walked into the room. Nathaniel was already there, drawing. Marinette and Adrien walked in together, talking with a small smile on both of their faces. Marinette, of course, had a small blush on her face.

Marinette waved at me. I ran over to her, smiling. I pulled her aside as Adrien started talking to Nino about the weekend he had. Again, Adrien was clueless of the conversation.

"Did you...?" I trailed off, too speechless for words.

"He's an important part of our team. And your boyfriend, but that's not part of the point." Marinette glanced at Adrien, making sure he wasn't within earshot. "The four of us work well together. Not just because we're friends, but because we all have great powers. We need him, (Y/n)."

"Can't deny that," I agreed.

Hawk Moth became Shadow Moth because of the Peacock Miraculous. And that made our job difficult. Especially because there was a Sentimonster and an Akuma we needed to deal with.

I was confused when I saw Chat Noir already at the scene. Perhaps he was quick, but Adrien was in the classroom a few minutes ago. But there was something strange about him.

"Woah." I noticed the change in my outfit. My hair was decorated with gray hair. And it was cut short to fall into my face. The hair tie with the moon on it turned into a barret that didn't hold anything back. The suits looked like I was an adult. Ladybug's had changed as well.

"We matured, grew up," Ladybug said before running up to Chat Noir.

"Come on, canine!" Chat growled.

"Chat?" I questioned. He didn't usually call me that. "If this is the Sentimonster, where's the Akuma?"

"Lady?" Chat looked at Ladybug.

"I'm... going to go get more help," I lied.

"Check on Viperion," Ladybug said.

I ran into an alleyway and got yanked by the arm. Chat looked furious. The rumble coming from him was a growl. The protective look he had when Ladybug was hurt was evident in his eyes.

"What?" I questioned, looking at the scene and back at him. I backed away in fear. "You're the Akuma."

"I hated it last time, and I hated it this time," Chat sighed. "I'm not the Akuma, wolfy."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow, smirking. I didn't think it was the real one.

"Yes, (Y/n). You know it's me," Chat said quietly.

"Then who's the other dude?" I said.

"Copycat. He's the sculptor that made the statue in the park. Had a crush on LB for a while," Chat explained.

"Ew." I cringed in disgust. I knew the guy was almost in his twenties, and Mari was only fifteen.

Viperion arrived, marveling at my new suit. I smirked and ran off with Chat. Ladybug looked at us in shock. She noticed how well the real Chat and I were working together, then looked at the Chat who wasn't even near me.

"Theo," Ladybug growled.

The fake Chat smirked. "Give me your Miraculous, all four of you!"

You're going to kill yourself quicker, (Y/n).

This time, I didn't need to use my powers. Ladybug managed with her Lucky Charm, and quickly fixed the damage Copycat made while he recklessly used Cataclysm. My chest was already hurting. Howl would transform me back whether I used my power or not soon.

We sat on Montparnasse Tower, looking over Paris. I sat down, the pain growing.

"Howl, it's sunrise," I breathed, knowing she would give up soon.

I held my hands out as I transformed back. Luka looked at me in worry. The pain lingered after. Howl fell into my hands. She passed out from exhaustion. "I looked over the Miraculous last night. There's a crack on each star that goes from the point to the center. I was surprised I didn't notice it earlier."

"I'm finding it, (Y/n). I promise," Ladybug assured me.

"I know." I nodded. "Howl?"

"(Y/n)?" Howl groaned.

"Can I take you home?" Luka whispered.

I nodded. Luka stood up, picked me up, and ran to my apartment across the rooftops. He transformed back in my apartment, letting Sass assist Howl in getting some food. He set me on my couch, letting me lay across it.

He moved my head so that he was sitting on the couch and my head was on his legs. I didn't know if it was the dog rubbing off on me, but I loved the way Luka played with my hair. All of the stress in my mind about my career and superhero life melted away with the soft tugs on my hair. He was braiding it.

I think he thought I was asleep. A soft kiss was placed on my cheek.

"I love you so much, (Y/n). I knew from the moment I met you, you were the rhythm I was missing. You are the reason why I feel whole. I love you now, I'll love you tomorrow, and I'll love you forever."

He stayed until I fell asleep. I woke up in my bed, my sheets perfectly warming my body.

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