"Yeah, Mr. Richie Rich is fine on the whole tuition thing." Will giggled, sinking further into his seat on Mike's lap.

"Ok ok ok anyways! We've applied to NYU, Carnegie Mellon, Pratt, and then a couple of local places in like Massachusetts and Philadelphia."

"Oh sweet! I'm going to NYU for the athletics. They could use someone like me over there."

"Oh booo!" Max replied "Get over yourself babe. Anyways I think I'm gonna go somewhere in Cali."

"Wait. What? Max but that's so far!" Lucas jumped up.

"Well I know but I really wanna go to California. That's where I grew up before I moved here and I really miss it ya know?"

"Why are you only bringing this up now? We could've talked about it."

"Talk about what Lucas? That's where I wanna go so that's where I'm going."

Lucas was obviously upset. He hated to be dramatic or make a scene or have all the attention on him so he had to suck it up. He knew that Max was her own person and always did her own thing; He knew that. But he was allowed to feel the way that he did.

"Oh. Th- That's cool." He replied as he sat back down.



Will rushed into Nancy's apartment in a frantic search for his boyfriend. He immediately ran into the hallway and to the bedroom.



Will whipped his head into the direction of the living room and ran the opposite way.

"MIKE!" Will said out of breath as he stood in front of Mike who was sitting on the couch. "Yeah baby?" He giggled. "Take a seat you're about to pass out!"

Will quickly plopped on the couch next to Mike. "Ok ok... So you know how I was looking for jobs with high pay but I didn't like any of my options? Basically, my art teacher had referred me to that private elementary school outside of town. And they want me to help run their summer art program! FOURTEEN DOLLARS AN HOUR MIKE!" He screamed, grabbing Mike's face.

"Ow ow ow!"

"Sorry." He quickly retracted his hands. "Isn't that amazing! This could be a regular thing for me too!"

"It's really amazing. Will I'm so proud of you. You're going after what you want, and you work so hard for it. Baby you deserve everything good in the world."

"Aww." Will blushed. "Thank you Mike. I'm so excited for this!" He hugged him with a quick peck to the lips.

"Now I just gotta get off my ass and find one too." He laughed, not letting go of Will.

"Personally, I think you'd make a perfect housewife." Will smiled as he gave another kiss. "Holding down the fort."

"Really? While you're out there doing all the work? I could never let you do that."

"I know you wouldn't." He giggled.


Mike and Will decided to watch movies the rest of the day. Will ordered a pizza which was gone before Nancy even got home from work, which she was pretty mad about. They were enjoying life for the first time in a while. And Will wasn't the only one who imagined a life for them in the future. I mean they practically already lived together now! Mike knew he could never get tired of it. Every day was new and different, and good or bad, he loved it. He loved Will. And as he stared into those big hazel eyes that cuddled up next to him, he knew that Will loved him too.

**Not proofread**

a/n: guys.... It's over. thank you all so so so so so much for reading this. i can't believe ppl genuinely enjoyed this stupid little fic. ik the ending is a little rushed but i was js really excited to get the sequel out cause i think y'all are gonna like it a lot!!!! i have big ideas guys. the first chapter should be out tonight! i love you guys for supporting this story! thank you all so much! BYEEEE

~Morgann <3

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