04 - It's the Blood

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Hayley set the table, this time only two plates since her daughter would be staying at the boarding school

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Hayley set the table, this time only two plates since her daughter would be staying at the boarding school. She'd been waiting for Hope to call her back as she said she would.

As she was about to call Jackson over, her phone buzzed on the table. It wasn't Hope; it was someone much older. Hayley held the phone in her hand, hesitant to pick up. Some force eventually told her to answer it though. She slid the back glass door open, and walked outside. Then, she clicked the green answer button, and brought the phone to her ear., "Elijah."

She hadn't spoken to the original vampire in months. It just isn't very safe for them to speak. The hybrid continued, "Why'd you call?"

"I've had to check up on you," he said in a deep, yet calming voice. "Don't worry, Hayley. My brother isn't near."

"That's not what I worry about, Elijah. I worry that you'll eventually say something to him," she sighed.

"You have my word, Hayley. I would never break that," he said in a very firm voice. He was never one to break his word, but it was still very uncomfortable and risky to talk with him.

"I know, Elijah. But that doesn't mean that you wouldn't ever feel forced by your brother. Or actually be forced for that matter." Only quiet breathing followed after Hayley spoke. She then continued, "I'm fine, Elijah. We are all doing well."

"Have you had to move again?" He questioned, knowing the answer he would get would disappoint him.

"You know I can't tell you that, Elijah," she said but it wasn't shocking. Jackson was walking down the hall to the kitchen, "Look, Elijah. I gotta go. Have a good day," she hung up before the vampire could respond.

Jackson slid the door open, and leaned on the frame, he smiled at Hayley,  "So who was that?"

Hayley had her phone in her hands, and gestured them in her lap as she spoke, "Oh-, It was just Hope. She just wanted to check in." She walked past Jackson, and through the door. "We're having chicken by the way," she quickly changed the subject.

"Mm, that's sounds delicious," he walked up behind Hayley, "It smells delicious as well." He pecked Hayley's cheek from behind her. Then he grabbed the pot with the chicken, and brought it over to the almost set table. "You better have told Hope that her Dad says hi," he smiled.

Hayley chuckled, and took a seat at the table across from Jackson. She pulled her hair off her face, "Of course I did." She smiled with her white teeth showing widely.

They barely took their last bites before Hayley's phone rang. She picked it up, "It's Hope again."

"Put her on speaker," Jackson wiped his face with a napkin. Hayley answered the phone on speaker, and set it on the table.

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