03 - History

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"Welcome to Bloodlines

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"Welcome to Bloodlines. I'm Mr. Evans," A tall blonde with a thick British accent introduced himself. He walked behind his desk and leaned his hands on it, "If I were to ask you what werewolf pack you are from, what would you say?" He gave stern look to each of the students, who gave him a blank response. "Maybe your family name?"

Henry, the kid from yesterday raised his hand slightly above the heads of the students, "I would tell you what pack I'm from, sir."

"Well then. What pack are you from?" He put his hands inside his Jean pockets.

"I'm a Crescent, Mr. Evans," Henry replied with his arms crossed over his desk.

"Crescent? So you're from Louisiana?"

"Born and bread. It's where I live when I'm not here in Mystic Falls."

"You know, I heard years back that that pack had a ceremony? Many alphas bowed down to join the Crescents because of how great of a ceremony it was," he rubbed his chiseled beard. "Very, very memorable in the history of werewolves."

"How do we know what pack we are from?" A young girl with brown hair questioned. "I didn't even know I was a werewolf until.."

"No worries if you don't know. Most werewolves don't even know that they are let alone what pack they're from. Usually there will be a family that leaves their pack leading to future generations possibly not even knowing that they are werewolves. The information of such a... situation— isn't usually passed down."

"Like the Lockwoods?" An older student said.

"Exactly like the Lockwoods. We won't talk too much on that concept for now though," Mr. Evans changed the subject, "Can anyone tell me how many distinct packs there are of werewolves?"

Someone in the back of the room said, "How could we know? There must be hundreds."

"You're not wrong, there are plenty. Distinctly, however, werewolves originate from 7 packs. Our school has managed to trace 6 of them among you guys, but the 7th, no students here are descended from that pack."

"Then how do you guys know there's a 7th pack?" Henry asked in confusion. "If there's no trace of a 7th, how would you even know?"

"The bloodline hasn't been traced, but there's traces in ancient literature. Witchs' grimoires in fact. And actually," the teacher pulled down a projected. He went in his phone then connect it to the projected. An image faded into the screen.

"This birthmark is the birthmark of a Crescent werewolf. It's not exactly known why, but every member of its pack has this birth mark," the teacher explained causing Hope to involuntarily rub her hand on her shoulder. She has the same exact birthmark... how is that possible?

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