[∆°• Protect•°∆]

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Tsumugi's Point of View
Ever since yesterday...Take-nii has been acting different.

He's hiding something no doubt about it, He became more clingy to me and Hina, Every time I go outside he would always come with me or question me where I would be going.

He's acting like I would disappear the moment I will leave his side, He's also desperate to meet this guy named Sano Manjiro.

I've investigated about him before I went to school, He's very famous in here around Shibuya, He's the leader of Tokyo Manji Gang.

What could my Brother possibly want from a guy like him?

Suddenly I felt a harsh slap of a ruler slammed on my desk causing me to flinch and saw it was my Math Teacher, Who is very strict in teaching.

He's looking at me with those angry and disappointment look on his face.

"It seems Hanagaki-san is listening in her world, I hope you are also listening in this world because we will have a quiz tomorrow!"

He scolded me which I can only nod and let the class proceed, It's not like I need to listen in this subject, I already know about this lesson anyway. I can ace the test tomorrow if Takemichi will read the notes for me to understand.

Despite being dyslexic person I can still read a few but I can't spell it correctly.

Which is why many of my classmates make fun of it even my teachers who would always whisper behind my back telling others how my ability of not being able to read and not being able to spell anything correctly will affect my future.

...But they also have a point, Being dyslexic person is quite difficult, It's hard to understand anything without any proper guidance or having someone to rely on.

Everytime I read, my vision will always betray me, I can only see words that I read jumbled together and sometimes they are in a opposite direction as I struggle to read....in the end, Everyone will laugh at me for not being able to read properly as I sat back on my chair quietly, Embarrassed, ashamed, and frustrated at myself for not being able to read properly. Sometimes when I tried hard to practice to read properly, I got a headache then my stomach starts feeling sick.

Then suddenly I start seeing the next sentence I read move above and move around the pages that I can't even see it anymore.

In the end, I can't do anything about it.

...But my older brother, Take-nii helped me.

He tried his best cheering me up if I get discouraged after another attempt of reading practice. If I struggled to understand anything he will think of a way and then read it out loud for me.

If he ever finds out I've been bullied for it, He and those bullies might passed out while fighting each other.



But ever since then...Me and Take-nii became more closer than ever, and it's also the same day I realized I am not alone.



Lunch time finally arrived, While trying to eat my food I went to Take-nii's classroom when I heard a loud cheer coming from the back of the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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