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Takemichi's Point of View

I finally turned back time, I met Hina after that I immediately went back home only for me to hear a voice that I longed to hear for a very long time.

"Take-nii! Just how did you get these bruises again? Did you and your friends invite someone to fight with or something?"

I slowly look up to see my little sister who was standing on the wooden floor that is slightly higher in the doorstep and I was still standing on the door step staring at her with my watery eyes.

Her ocean-blue eyes that always sparkles in happiness and her short blonde hair that has the similar hair cut to mine, She's none other than my twin little sister... Who I lost for so long...

As I let tears brimmed down from my ocean blue eyes that is similar to hers.

"Take-nii? What's wrong?"

My action made her surprised and immediately hugged me making my face buried on her shoulder.

"Let it all out...I'll listen to what will you say...I won't judge you or ignore it, Please let it all out. Don't endure it."

She comforted me as I hugged her back, Hanagaki Tsumugi...She's my little twin sister who I lost in the same day as Ken Ryuguji died, She died when someone hit her on a motorcycle and r***d her corpse before they left her naked body on the street.

The moment I saw her...I felt my world fell apart, I felt anger that I just want to let out from the people who hurted her...I felt like...I want to give in the darkness just so I can take revenge for her death and let me be with her....

The moment I lost her... It was also the moment every part of me that she love.s...disappeared along with her.

I couldn't bare to live in the world without my other half...but despite almost letting myself get lost in life, Hina was still by my side reminding me how I can still live for someone and that someone still cares for me.

Hina never left me... But I left her.

Just like how Tsumugi left me... I left her as well.


I regretted everything I've done to the people I love in my life who just wanted to love me and protect me...

"Tsumugi...Will you please...just don't leave my side."

I know that she might be confused at my words but I can't tell her about this time travelling situation that I am in.

If I tell her she might get paranoid and is afraid to do anything from now on, She might destroy her own future because of me.

"What do you mean Take-nii? I never left your side? You're the one who's always leaving me not telling me about anything you've been through."

She said making me pull away from the hug, This time it made me feel suspicious of her words and the way she looks at me in concern.


"You've always been like that...Putting everything on your shoulders and not letting anyone get involved in it because you don't want them to get hurt because of you...You've always been like that...That's why I always know when your hiding something."

[∆°• Stay with you•°∆] × [Takemichi's twin sister × Tokyo Revengers]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя