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Everyone lined up upset and nervous when the tires of the car screeched in the yard, minho and a couple of his bodyguards headed towards the house, as well changbin right after him. The door swung, slammed and shook with minho's entrance. jisung gulped with trembling eyes worried for his hyung, also he was glad felix was still in school. The workers were shaking in their shoes, with their heads bend down, when minho started shouting.

"How shameless you all are! to even think of using my private stuff! very! important event was ruined because of one of you nosy rats!"

Jisung bit his lip, holding back tears, the papers were with him but he was so afraid to say, minho will be disappointed in him when he found out.

"the one who did it can step out the line, or you can all leave immediately!!"

"Minho! You won't talk to my workers like that--"

She ran towards minho as he shouted, the bodyguards behind him immediately showed their guns around their belts which made Mrs.Lee stopped in place, she could neither move nor speak, her son had weapons, no, these people had weapons in their home, she didn't know who she was looking at, who she gave birth to, her child is not a murderer and a criminal.

"..son..."  she could give up of everything, as long as the image of minho what she looks at right now is not true.

"I hate waiting..." minho said.

People started to panic looking around each other, jisung couldn't take it, all those people worked their whole life here and could lose their job because of one boy.

"...hyung....it was me..."

Cold air seemed to blow from somewhere when jisung met minho's gaze, feeling like prey in front beast, those eyes burned but jisung shivered from the cold, minho came closer, walking with hands behind his back, with his shoes clicking step by step as he approached, jisung couldn't read minho's stormy thoughts.

"so you are little dirty rat" he said calmly

Jisung almost fell on the floor as he was slapped, everyone flinched just like his mother who strongly tried to stayed in place.

Tears ran down jisung's face, never once in life he was hit, so hard, he felt his lip bleeding, before he could think about it, about older, minho pulled on his hair and dragging him like a dog, no matter how much jisung resisted screaming, kicked with his feet, holding minho's hand that was pulling on his hair, no matter how much jisung cried in pain while his scalp burned, he was dragged from the ground floor to the third floor, minho didn't even blink doing it, he didn't feel sorry.

Jisung mumbled something through the tears when minho threw him on the floor of his room, kicking his head.

"Ah!--I'm sorry hyung I promise I didn't do anything with it! I promise!" He tried sitting on his knees as he begged, like it will help.

" it's not hyung for you anymore, you fucking rat! "  Minho was smoking in anger as he rolled up his shirt sleeves.

younger cried rubbing his palms as he begged, he begged for something, just to be heard out, he wasn't believing he would be hit again from his loved that field him up with gentle kisses as he left this morning, he was sure he wouldn't be hit until it happened again, jisung was hit, punched, kicked like a used sack, jisung whined in pain after every hit, every hit carried pain that felt like driving through hours of hell. his hands didn't have enough time to be in place to defend himself because he was flinching in pain, it was too much for him to accept, as if thoughts were running from his head, minho shouted something and cursed, jisung's ears ring until he blacked out the pain.

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