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Soon jisung was taken to the school's infirmary, he was taken care by the nurse who was on duty, and he was allowed to be absent from classes while he stayed there. when he came to himself and had more strength to stand up, nurse met him sitting on the bed across from him, jisung still felt lost, his head was still processing where he was.

" You should eat more sweets, you passed out exhaustion and stress..."

jisung nodded not looking at her, just down at his feet. he really felt exhausted, so exhausted.

" ...but it could be something more?"

She titled her head making Jisung slightly look at her smile.

" Jisung Mrs.Kim Chaeyoon is open to talk with all students...whatever is bothering you, you shouldn't keep it to yourself...alright? "

he just nodded, oh now he remembered, the exam...

" You can go home, you got permission from your home teacher...and someone is already waiting for you outside. "

Jisung face light up from all the thoughts, he quickly pick up his bag leaving the room where he was placed, it is not possible that minho came to picked him up, he must be standing in front of the school with one his hand in his pants and another with a cigarette, he jumped over a couple of stairs that were in front excited to see minho, he stopped in place and shrugged his shoulders when he saw a person he didn't think he would see.

" You feel better?...well you look much better."

Jisung blinked nervously being seen by hyunjin. he didn't say anything but of course it was obvious, jisung was hiding something from him.

" We have to talk."

Jisung shook his head about to walk right pass hyunjin, but he was stopped.

" jisung I'm serious."

and that's how it was, they had to find a place and sit down behind the school, jisung was irritated and dying of fear, he couldn't keep his mouth shut in front of hyunjin, hyunjin is a friend who knows everything about him and he knows everything about him too, he was hiding so much from him that he couldn't even look him right in the eyes, he was ashamed and hyunjin read him like a open book, he could only continue to lie but it wouldn't work.

" Is it about the debt...something is wrong?"

Jisung kept on biting his lip, hyunjin gently stroking his hair as he waited for jisung to speak.

" hyunjin....I...I feel like I am doing something wrong...s-something really wrong...but, but I'm enjoying it...and I am aware of it all...but..."

"What? You start doing drugs?"

jisung laughed, breaking his anxious face, seeing his sincere smile made hyunjin truly happy.

" and?..."

"...nothing, there is just someone I really really like...and I don't know what to do about it."

" Oh...is it the guy we already talked about?"

Jisung nodded, tears holding on edge. hyunjin immediately pulled him in a hug, caressing the back of his hair. he felt so little holding on hyunjin's shirt as he burst into tears, like a kid he needed a hug, hyunjin couldn't even imagine how much, he just kept on giving him a shoulder.

" You like him so much...don't you? hmm? " hyunjin pouted as he asked the boy who didn't even have to answer.

" It's so messed up...if I tell him...if I tell him that his...his..."

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