Chapter 36: Epilogue

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1 Year after the War against the Black Dogs

1 Year Since after the War against the Black Dogs or the Eostian would call it, the Intervention of the Mallus Alliance Forces, as it was not a War but a Massacre When they Finally Intervene against the Black Dogs

The Continent of Eostia have begun to Rebuild after the Ravage of War for Thousand of Years with the Black Dogs are the Only one who cause the Most Damage that Which Not Even Dark Elves could have Done after their a Thousand Year War against the 7 Shields if Eostia Which s a Feat so much that the People of Eostia begun to Forgot their War against the Dark Elves

The Rebuilding Process was Slow but Steadily Rebuilding their Civilization with the Help from the Holy Aurailian Empire and Other Kingdoms and Factions Thanks to Perswiation of Iris and Celestine who are able to Bring Help from other Kingdoms that the 7 Shields Desperately Needed and they not only they are Given Funds but also Workers to Speed up the Rebuilding Process for their Kingdoms

Celestine Watch the Reconstruction with a Smile on her Face as she Watch her People are Helping Each Other to Rebuild their Homes that was Ravage by the Black Dogs

The Mallus Alliance Namely the Empire, Bretonnia and Grand Cathay Empire have send Materials and Workers as well, Which They are Very Grateful

Considering that Only Feoth are the Most Devastated While Ansur only have Minor Damage Thanks to the Betrayal of the Mercenaries that Align with Vult and the Black Dogs, While Rad are Minor and in the Verge of Completion thanks to the Half-lings are Hard Working Expert People Which is, they do not Much Needed help, only Materials are Enough for them to be Sent by the Empire and Luu-luu Swore that she would Give Ronan a Reward When he would Visit her Home

So it's Pretty Much That they don't have to Pull more Resource on Rebuilding if it Weren't for the Intervention of the Alliance, then the 7 kingdoms would be Burn to the Ground by the Black Dogs and the people would Suffer Especially the Woman Regardless of Age and Species would be a Play thing by the Scums that they once called as their Heroes

"The Reconstruction are in order my Queen, another Year then it would be Done and it would Return before the Black Dogs Betrayal to us" Said Claudia with a Happy Tone but Disipline in a Subtle Way of Happiness that they are Finally able to Complete the Reconstruction of Feoth Next Year

"It was a Miracle that we Even Survive this Kind of Event" Said Celestine as she was looking at the Sky

"indeed it is a Miracle your Highness" Said Claudia "Without their Help we might have been Live under the Black Dogs by now" She said with a Bitterness in her Tone at the same time Guilt as she was not Strong Enough to Defend Feoth as During her Battle againt the Black Dog for a Month she Found herself to Be struggling against them, as she was Constantly Outnumbered by Them and not to Mention  they have no Honor as Such they would do Any Dirty Tactics against her, She has only a Few Victory against them as Majority in the War they are Constantly on the Retreat and she has to Fortify Ken and Geofu for that Matter until they are Separated Due to Vult attack the other kingdoms thus Splitting their Forces 

"You are right for that Claudia without the Empire and the Alliance we would Never stand a Chance against the Black Dogs" Said Celestine

"Do we even Truly have a Chance against the Black Dogs in the first Place?" Said Claudia

Celestine could shook her head "Before even the Arrival of the Empire, i had a Dream... a Dream of Suffering of our People, There is no Salvation Claudia" Said Celestine with a Hurt and Painful Tone as she looked down "I Could not see any Solution and Dream Where we could Win

Then i Pray, to the Creator and Any Deity That could Hear me, i Pray, Beg and Plead to Save our People and Even if i have to Sacrifice my life to so, then i will do it without any Hesitation" she said as Tears Begun to Form in her Eyes

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