Ch. 20: An Unwanted Visitor

Start from the beginning

"I've made Hina wait long enough. Get lost from here. Get out of my life, Heer Qureshi."

"I need to sit down," I whispered to Salaar.

I was starting to feel nauseous too.

"Heer, let me explain-"

Salaar whisked me up into his arms and began striding over to his car.

Kamran followed briefly, "Please, just give me one opportunity to spea-"

"Do we have a problem?" a security guard exited the hospital, the nurse in tow.

Salaar placed me in the car and strapped the seatbelt before getting into the driver's seat. I watched Kamran grow smaller and smaller in the side mirror as we drove away.

Salaar's P.O.V.

After Heer asked if I was okay and after I revealed that Hina was at the hospital yesterday and that she must have told him, the rest of the car ride went by in silence.

I held Heer's hand and wrapped an arm around her as we walked to our flat slowly. She went to sleep, and so did I, the exhaustion of barely sleeping last night at the hospital now catching up to me.

When I woke up, Heer was still asleep. I went to the living area and flicked on the lights before doing the same in the kitchen. As I heated up canned broth, for Heer's sore throat, I responded to the text messages from our families. I hadn't gotten the chance to answer them yesterday.

As Heer and I ate at the dining table, she looked up at me from the broth. "Are you going to work tomorrow?"

"I requested tomorrow off as well," I answered quietly, avoiding eyes with her.

Mr. Ventura never called back. It seemed I was fired.

"You should go, Salaar. I'm fine."

I looked up at her as I felt her soft hand on my fist.

"I'm serious."

"I already requested it."

"You should still go. You're new at the company. It doesn't look good to take so many days off at the start. You can save it for later."

I wet my lips.

She lowered her voice, "If you're worried about me trying again, I won't."

A small smile arrived on my mouth, "I know. You promised."

She returned the small smile. "Go tomorrow."

I nodded slowly, going back to my broth.

I could feel her eyes studying me. She stopped my hand as I lifted the spoon to my lips.

"Salaar? Kya baat hai?"
(What's the matter?)

I gazed at her light-blue eyes, the truth on my tongue.

"Batao mujhe."
(Tell me.)

I inhaled deeply before confessing that I had left Manchester early because of her wedding and that yesterday was supposed to be my first day.

Her gaze was lowered with guilt, and I felt bad for telling her. I just didn't want to hide anything from her anymore.

"It's not your fault, Heer."

"It is," she whispered. "If I hadn't been at the hospital, then you wouldn't have missed your first day."

"I was meant to come back home yesterday," I asserted. "Your life and wellbeing is more important to me than any job, Heer. If this didn't work out, I'll find something else. It's alright."

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