New Beginings

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   "Come on, dad" Twila whined at her father, as she dramatically and oh so lazily leaned off the side of his desk.

    "Mom is taking forever to get ready, she put Teddy and I in these matching outfits for our trip to Diagon Alley to get our school stuff. But now she's going the pace of a snail"

   Twila whined as she slowly slide down the side of the desk, her father Tiberius Nott was working at.

   Theodore had made himself comfortable with a book and cup of tea in their fathers sitting area of his office. Having gotten very used to his sister over dramatic actions.

    "Twila dear, I know you are excited baby. But you know more than just your mother and I want to go with you. Your god-father would be quite cross with us if we took you without him. Narcissus also mentioned wanting to go with Draco. Then there is the matter of his lordship also wants to go with you. You are getting your first wand, this is a big day my little star. Be patient."

   Twila grinned at the mention of her godfather, her smile only growing wider as her father spoke. Her head whipping to Theodore.

  "You hear that Teddy. I told you Lord Tom was going to come. I saw it...though I don't think we will see him until after I make my new friends"

   Twila said in her wishy-washy way, her gaze looking off into space at something that wasn't there. She always seemed to speak this way, when she had seen a vision of something yet to happen.

  Theo nose crinkled "I still loathe the fact that you won't.... or I mean can't tell me who these friends, you are going to make are. You know we have to be careful with your gift. If too many people could put you in danger Twila. You know this. Their hasn't been a seer with your potential in centuries."

   Theodore  marked his page and looked up at his father, to find the same concerned look on Tiberius face.

   "I already asked her if she could tell me something about this vision."

   Before Twila even had the opportunity to open her mouth and give her usual spill

   "Yes dear, we know. You can't tell us anything because if you do, it changes the outcome for the worse. The best cause scenario will happen as long as we let things play out as you have seen them."

   Tiberius couldn't help the sigh that escaped him as he leaned back in his fine leather chair rubbing the bridge of his nose. Already feeling the impending headache that always came with worrying about his children's well being.

   "Unfortunately, it doesn't stop us from worrying about you, my star."

   Tiberius had spent many long nights with his wife and colleagues, trying to figure out the best way to protect Twila and her gifts. They knew the more people that knew about her gifts the more dangerous it became for her. But as she got older, her gifts only grew with her, Visions coming more frequently then they had in the past. To the point of her having at least three or so trance like visions a day. 

   They realized there simply wasn't a definite way to protect her, with her visions coming without warning, all they could do is make sure someone who knew about her gift was near by the help bring her back from them. With  Theo and Twila going away for school soon. They had filled in Draco and the young Zabini boy along with the young Parkinson girl. They loathed telling that many people. But Twila needed the allies around her.

   Being such a gifted seer at such a young age was taxing on the body and the core of one's magic. It left Twila frequently drained and weak. The slightest silver lining being, Theo and Twila sharing a magical core. Being close to Theo kept her strong enough to function on days where she had more  frequent visions or a particularly strong one.

   Tiberius couldn't help but lose himself in his thought before a green flash came from his fire place. All of their attention flew to the fireplace to see who had arrived. Out stepped a burly man wiping soot away from his nice dress shirt and pants.  Before this man's eyes found Twila,  and he grinned a heartfelt smile and said,

   "Moya Zvezda!"

  Twila flung herself into the arms of Antonin Dolohovs. he wrapped her up in the biggest hug swinging her around.

   "Uncle Toni! Are you really going shopping with us? I finally get my wand. Do you think it will be just as powerful as yours? Or maybe it will be as powerful as Toms."

   Twila jabbered on excitedly as  clung to her god father. He smiled down at her with so much affection. Tiberius then cut Twila's rant off.

   "Our little star says she will make friends with someone on our trip today. But is unable to tell us who it will be, or even the family the child comes from. Apparently, it will change the outcome if we know what happens....per usual"

   Tiberius said with his usual edge of bitterness when it came to his daughters visions. He hated that he couldn't know, or even see what his daughter had. How were they suppose to protect her if they couldn't know all the things she did.

   Twila must have sensed the dark turn her fathers thought took. She had quickly walked over and put her smaller hand on his.

   "Don't worry daddy. I can tell you, you won't like these friends at first....but they are loyal and true. They will be good friends for me to have in the future. They keep my secret...when Teddy can't be around."

   She said with a far off look in her eyes. Before she blinked almost as if she was coming back to the present, from where ever her mind might have wandered to.  A big smile stretched across her face.

   Tiberius and Theodore both wanted to question why, why wouldn't Theo be around to safe guard his sisters secret especially when it came to being away from home.

   Theo had sworn at a young age to safe guard his twin sister with his very life if necessary.

   But Dolohovs, stopped them before they had time to question her further

" You know as well as I do, there is no use in questioning our zvezda. She won't crack, she never does. We just have to trust she has seen what is best for us."

   Antonin rumbled from where he had moved to sit on the couch opposite of Theo. Leaning back spreading his arms across the back of the couch.

   "Not Uncle Toni getting comfortable. See! This is how we know mother takes way too long getting ready...I'm going to be late. I have to meet them. Things don't go right at school if I don't"

   Twila said with slight panic in her voice. Starting the figget with her robes, glancing at the floo.

Theo and Tiberius both knew that look, it was one they became well aware of. Antonin as well, they all instantly became more alert. When she began to panic about a vision she became flighty. She became to rash and would get herself hurt to make sure the vison she had happened the way it was suppose to.

   Just as Tiberius opened his mouth to soothe his daughter, he office door opened again, in stepped Tom and his wife. But that minor distraction gave Twila the opening she needed.

   Theo stood quickly, managing to get to Twila just as she made a rush for the floo and grabbing the powder. He just barely managed to get into the fireplace with her as she yelled out her destination.

Twila let out a firm "Borgin and Burt's" then a rush of green flame and a tug that came with magical travel.

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