"What about the one that's already in me?!"(Translucent)

"Oh that? I lied."(Ben)

"..You mother FU-"(Translucent)

"I can make one that'll blow you up more painfully than it would have, feeling every chunk of your body impacting the walls of your final resting place. Don't forget I can smell you. Your never invisible to me."(Ben)

Ben said as he watched the naked man scamper away

"There's clothes set out for you."(Ben)

"Fuck you!"(Translucent)

"That wasn't a thank you!"(Ben)

He said as the man left. He took a deep breath. He had been channeling his inner Albedo and Butcher for that one- he sank down on the wall

"Call Butcher."(Ben)

He whispered to his wrist

"Ello mate? What do you need?"(Butcher)

"Translucents taken care of."(Ben)


"I took care of it."(Ben)

"I didn't think you had it in you, how'd you do it?"(Butcher)

"Well uh- Long story- Mental manipulation- got him to do it himself."(Ben)

"Fuckin' Diabolical! Well done Tennyson!"(Butcher)

"Thanks.. uhh I'm gonna- I'm gonna go to totally not bugged apartment building."(Ben)

"Fucking Vought slugs.. Alright, well done kid. Hear that M.M? New kid offed a supe!"(Butcher)

"And uh- Soldier Boy is in Russia."(Ben)

"Soldie- The fucking Soldier Boy?"(Butcher)

He heard someone yell on the other side of the phone something he couldn't make out


"Soldier Boy?! I ain't fucking joining you if your bringing in Soldier Boy!"(M.M)

"Come on! You know I'd never do that to you mate, tell you what, when we kill Homelander, we go for Soldier Boy next."(Butcher)

"Fuckin- Butcher! When will you learn! We can't get Homelander!"(M.M)

"The new kids a supe."(Butcher)


"Oui, he transformed into aliens."(Frenchie)

"It's really cool! He's got a bunch of diff-"(Hughie)

"Your working with a supe? Butcher.. The fuck happened to you?"(M.M)

"The kid saved me and Hughie here, we beat the shit out of Translucent, kidnapped him-"(Butcher)

"And we kept him locked in a room for months-"(Hughie)

"Petite Hughie, perhaps you should stay quiet?"(Frenchie)

"And the kids in the seven. Not to mention we just found out Soldier Boy's location for you."(Butcher)

"..Fuck it. I'm in!"(M.M)

"You are?"(Hughie)

"What? There's finally a supe my daughter can look up to, what's his name? Is it Noir?"(M.M)

"Nah, you see his entrance at the Believe Expo?"(Butcher)

"Is he the one who cursed out a reporter live?"(M.M)

"Which reporter?"(Hughie)


Ben sighed as he held his head in his hands. He had to do some things.. he had somewhat of a plan. He stood up in his apartment and stretched grabbing his jacket and tossing it on before he headed out to work. To get to Vought Tower

To be Continued again-

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