Chapter 1: Assassination Time

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3rd POV

In the middle of the mountains resides an abandoned classroom building.

An unseen figure flies through the clouds at a rapid speed.

Despite its rundown appearance, it holds residents to residents to an infamous teacher, one the likes the world has never seen before.

The figure stops above a large urban area in Tokyo, Japan.

Alongside this teacher is a class of 25 students, a number that will fluctuate as the school year progresses forward.

It continues to fly towards the mountains and stops near a classroom building, leaving a large dust cloud as he lands.  The dust rattles against the windows of the building, alerting the students that their target has arrived.

Hang onto your asses folks, things are about to get messy.

The figure slithers through the halls of the classroom, making a loud squishy noise as it walks.  It slides open the classroom door and places a roll book on his desk.

Welcome to Class 3-E.

"Now then, let's get started."  The figure revealed itself to be a large yellow octopus dressed in a black academic dress with a large black tie with a yellow crescent moon in the middle. A small black mortarboard cap rested on top of his bulbous squishy head. "Student on duty, on your command."

Where assassination, is on the class syllabus.

"S-Stand up!" All the students followed suit on Nagisa's orders. Each holding different types of guns aiming at their teacher. "Attention." He paused for a split second before giving the order. "Bow!"

A barrage of Anti-Sensei BB bullets fired at the yellow octopus, however he dodged them all at an incredible speed and began attendance. "Good morning. Fire all you like—I'll just be taking attendance. Isogai-kun?"

"Here!"  Isogai spoke, but the gunfire made him hard to hear.

"I'm sorry, you'll have to speak up with all the gunfire."












After attendance was done, the gunfire ceased as all the students took a break from their failed assassination attempt.  All of them looking tired and defeated.

"All right."  Their teacher closed his attendance book and his face turned orange with a bright red circle in the middle.  "No tardies.  Excellent!  That makes me very happy."

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