vii. so let's own it

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Witney heard the werewolves singing as her and Addison got closer to Seabrook Power. They rounded the corner to see the werewolves in silver handcuffs. "No!" Addison yelled out. "Addison? Witney?" Zevon and Dale questioned. The two girls joined in with the song. The cheerleaders, football team, Eliza and the rest of the zombies, and eventually Zed, joined them. They finished the song and Zed walked towards his dad.

"You gotta stop the demolition, Dad." He said. "I know how hard you worked to get this job. But if it's gonna hurt the werewolves, you have to stop it." Zevon nodded. "You're right. And Witney and Addison are right. Shut it down. Stop the detonation." Zevon ordered. "Tomorrow, when it's safe, we'll find what you're looking for. But right now, you can all go home." Zevon announced. The werewolves cheered. Zed brought Witney and Addison into a hug.

The werewolves' handcuffs were unlocked and everyone cheered. Everyone started leaving. "We did it. We stopped the demo." Addison said. Zed didn't say anything. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Addison. I'm gonna lose the election, which means I can't take you to Prawn." Zed told her. "That's okay, Zed. We can not go to the Prawn together." Addison said. Zed took the necklace out of his pocket. "He found it!" Addison shouted.

"Thank you." She said as she hugged him. Zed sighed. "What?" "I took it." Zed admitted. "I stole it when you and Witney weren't looking." "I thought I lost it." Addison choked out. "I questioned myself." "Addison, I'm sorry. I was afraid that if you turned into a wolf, I'd lose you." Zed tried to explain. "You don't get to make that choice for me." Addison yelled. "I finally found where I belong, and you try to steal that from me?" Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Why would I ever go to the Prawn with you after what you did?" Addison turned away. She put on the necklace, but nothing happened. "Am I?" She asked. "You're beautiful, Addie, but the same beautiful that you've always been." Bree told her. Addison sighed and took off the necklace. Witney looked at it. "Can I see that?" She asked. Addison handed it to her and Witney turned it over in her hand. "Put it on." Willa said.

Witney placed the necklace around her neck and it started glowing. She felt fangs drop down from her teeth and she growled, eyes glowing. "Witney!" Addison exclaimed. "You're a werewolf!" She kissed the newfound werewolf on the cheek. "You're the Great Alpha." Willa said. Witney smiled. A zombie worker ran over. "Oh my gosh, boss, boss! We got a problem!" He yelled. Everyone's eyes snapped to him. "What?" "The remote shorted out, and now the detonation timer's running." The worker explained.

"Well, shut it off." Zevon ordered. "I can't." "No, no!" Witney and the wolves started running. Seabrook Power exploded. "What have they done?" Willa asked. Witney and the rest of the wolves started coughing. Addison grabbed onto Witney to keep her from falling over.


Witney ran her fingers through Wynter's hair as she coughed. Zed walked into the wolf den. Witney walked over to him with Wyatt and Willa, her betas, flanking her sides. "They were wrong to destroy Seabrook Power." Zed said. "You don't say." Witney said, sarcastically. Zed rolled his eyes. "And I was wrong about werewolves. You have every right to fight for who you are." He continued. "Yeah, but what are we now, zombie?" Wyatt asked.

Witney growled at him. "You're fierce, proud werewolves." Zed exclaimed. "Yeah, they think we're monsters." Willa said. "We are monsters." Witney said. "So let's own it." She added. "How do you guys feel about crashing a certain dance?" Zed asked, and Witney smirked.


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