Peter woke in his bed, someone was knocking at his door furiously.

"What happened?" Peter asked himself, it was like he had just woken from a long dream. A dream he wanted to go back to.

"Parker? Are you there?" shouted the man that was knocking at his door, he wouldn't stop knocking.

"We'll be there in a minute!" shouted Peter as he started to get out of his bed.

As Peter walked to the door, he felt the symbiote change itself into normal clothes around his body. Now he was wearing a white T-shirt and plain blue trousers. Peter opened the door and saw Eddie Brock standing on the other side.

"Sup, Pete." Eddie said as he walked inside. "So, care to explain why you left?" Eddie asked.

Peter closed the door then answered, no, it was more like the symbiote answered for Peter. "Look, I walked and walked and found nothing but a damn lizard dog. The symbiote was not there or is just dead. And why I didn't come back to you is because those damn sewers are like a maze. You know." Peter said. It was hard for Peter and the symbiote using I instead of We, but Eddie can't know they have bonded. Also the symbiote knows Eddie's symbiote can't sense it, Eddie's symbiote needs to have Peter's blood to do so and it doesn't.

After hearing what Peter had to say Eddie gave him a strange look. "I know you're going through some shit right now and you don't want me asking, but I never have heard you speak like that. It was like I was listening to Mac Gargan." Eddie said.

Peter and the symbiote were surprised by this, the symbiote was also scared.

"Huh? I don't if I should be insulted or not, Eddie. But you're right, I'm going through some things right now and I'm sorry if I'm not in the mood for being polite to you." Peter said, and now the symbiote did not make him speak.

"I see." Eddie said suspiciously. "Then I guess I should just leave when you're not in the mood," he said.

"That would be great." Peter said.

After Eddie had walked out of his apartment and he had closed the door at his back, the symbiote transformed them into venom.


Then the symbiote slithered from Peter's head as Peter looked outside his window so watch Eddie walked away. The symbiote did this just to be 100% safe, maybe Eddie would look up at Peter's window and see their true face looking back at him.

"Looks like he's gone." Peter said. "HE'SSS GONE FOR NOW!" The symbiote covered Peter's face again. "ITSSSSSS TIME TO START OUR GENIUSSSSS PLAN!" Venom said as he crawled out of the window and started to swing into the city.

If Venom wanted to bring the five symbiotes out of hiding he needed to start some trouble, and that's what he's about to do. But if their plan should work, he needs to act like Gargan, be like Gargan. The symbiote knew this, that's why Peter spoke like Gargan back when they were talking with Eddie. Peter was becoming more like Gargan by the minute. And what does Gargan love? He loves money. So where venom was heading was a bank, a bank that they would rob. Their plan was genius.

"WOW! THE PLACE IS CROWDED!" Venom said as he saw how many people were at the bank he chose to rob. "WELL IT WILL JUST BE MORE FUN FOR USSSS! HEH!" venom said as he started to swing straight at the bank. Venom bursted through the bank wall, he was not trying to be sneaky.

As venom landed on the bank floor, many people started to scream and almost all of them started to fight to get out of the bank

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As venom landed on the bank floor, many people started to scream and almost all of them started to fight to get out of the bank. Venom just laughed and the chaos that was happening around him, he only cared about the money. Then the alarm went off, and with the alarm came security guards. None of the guards tried to tell venom to stand down, their first action was to shoot at him. But their guns were useless against venom's skin, actually it backfired at them because venom sucked in the bullets into his body and then fired them back at them. Killing all the guards at once. Now venom laughed even harder, just like what Gargan would do. Peter didn't even realize that he had just killed, that he had became a murderer. This was so fun for him, feeling this powerful and strong. After he was done killing the guards, he started to get his money. It was quite easy for venom to get the money, the only thing he had to do was punch through the bank door and that was super easy for him. Venom decided he would just take four bags of money, if he needed more he could always come back. Then venom jumped through the hole in the wall that he made when he neutered the bank and started to swing into the city.

Scream stared at the TV, then she smashed it and shouted. "HOW CAN THIS BE?! I WAS SURE IT WAS DEAD! AND HOW IS IT BACK WITH THAT DAMN MANIAC?!"

The other four symbiote looked at her with no answers, they also were shocked that Gargan was somehow back with the venom symbiote. "RIOT I HAVE A JOB FOR YOU, A VERY SERIOUS JOB." Scream hissed as she stared into riot eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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