Chapter Five

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"Well, that's a long story.. Probably too long" I said to myself.

"Tell me. What is thee secret, HOW DID YOU STAY SO YOUNG?!" Winifred yelled at me.

"Okay, Okay... I cursed myself."  I said really quiet.

"Yeah, I've been trying to bring you back ever since I saw you that night." Gilbert tried to save me from this weird situation.

"I'll personally ring the bell at your head when this is all over." I whispered/shouted at him.

"Hm, What night?" The three witches moved slowly closer to us.
I could hear their high heels clink on the wood. Gilbert and I walked back at the same pace.

"Halloween, 1993. Not a great year for me. Bunch of boys stole all my candy. But then... I saw you. I chased you all the way to the cemetery. But I was too late."
"Oh, my. Your very close."  He felt really uncomfortable, so felt I.

Sarah was very, very, very close. I could feel a hand sliding down my arm to my waist. "Oh, I-I hey. That's m-my private p-place. Please put your hands by yourself"

"I, I, you know, I want to know for sure. So I went to see if the candle was lit and I found Book." We all looked over to him. "He was awake. He showed me how to make another candle. I mean, it wasn't pretty but.." Winnie interrupted him.

"Oh, my beloved Book. I knew thou wouldst have a plan to bring Mommy back. La, la, la. And now, at long last, it is time to conjure together once more." she sang.

"I don't think is a good idea to use magic. Why don't you just make yourself comfortable and, I dunno, enjoy the death? -"

"Why should we enjoy death when we can live forever?" the ginger ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Because it's no fun. It's not nice to live forever. You see the hatred and destruction of the world with your own eyes without doing anything about it. And creating a new identity every hundred years is not easy either." I tried to persuade her, but to no avail.

" Bla, bla, bla. Very soulful speech, only I don't care." They laughed.

"Uh-oh. Winnie.."

"What is it?"

"Tis the Reverend." Mary sets a finger out of the mayor's billboard.

"He... He's alive?" Oh Sarah, beautiful but kinda dump, sweet combination.

"Of course, not you ninny. Must be a descendant." Winifred snatched the billboard from Mary and turned to face us. "Who is that man?"

"Oh, that's the mayor." I stepped on his foot so he wouldn't blurt out everything. Since the redhead wanted direct answers without anyone interfering, she shot me with her magic. I flew across the room and hit my head quite hard on the edge of the table. Gilbert wanted to run to me but was warned "If you go to her, you're next"
He just stood there, looked over at me for a moment and then decided not to be grilled after all.

"Three hundred years later and the dark cloud of Traske still looms over Salem."

"Mm, I told you we should have.." Mary slowly stroked her neck to indicate a knife. "... the entire family when we had a chance."

"We tried, but we were too young and too weak. Mother said one day, witches would role Salem. And what have we done instead?" Winifred asked the blonde.

"Die?" Winnie groaned

"Oh, no, no, no Winnie. Oh, oh, come back. Come back to mommy. You're getting very worked up. Deep breaths."

"you know, perhaps, maybe like a calming circle might.." suggested the 'Great'

"How'd you know about that?" Winifred asked with a really dark voice.

"I read Reverend Traske's journals. He wrote all about you."

"All nice things, I hope." Sarah smiled.

"Not really" she looked confused.

"You know, just spit balling here, but maybe we could make a life potion?"

"I'm done with piddling potions! If we were the most powerful witches on Earth, nothing can stop us."

I was slowly woke up from the headache-inducing attack so I tried to sit up and heard the witch talk about power and suns.

"Not teenagers, not Traskes, not the infernal sun. Sisters, it has been decided." They walked over to Book. "We are doing the Magicae Maxima. The Power Spell."

"Oh, but Winnie, you promised you'd never, ever do that spell."

"That was 300 years ago. That promise has expired." She tried to open Book, but he instantly closed.

I walked over to Gilbert on shaky legs and smacked him lightly in the shoulder from behind. He turned around, eyes wide, and held me tight. "Were they just talking about the power spell?" I asked quiet. "Yeah, but that's not the point, are you okay?" "Yes, Yeah I'm good."

Apparently I must have whispered too loud as Sarah noticed me and slunk away from her sisters. I turned to sit down briefly when blony stood in front of me. Of course I had to cry out when I saw her. "Ahhhhh" She grabbed my waist and pulled me towards her.
"Shhh, be quiet little spider. Look at you still so beautiful and innocent." She placed a finger an my lips, so that I don't say anything.

We had that one moment of silence again where we just look into each other's eyes. Everything around us went silent and our faces certainly came closer. It felt exactly like 1690. I could see her eyes slowly travel down to my lips. I went dark red all over my face.

"SARAH, come here, you little fool." Winifred called her.

She kissed me on the cheek and then ran back to her sisters. I just stood there in shock. Did that really just happen? Why am I so warm? Does that mean anything? Why am I asking so much? Damn that was a question too.


Okay that was a lot, I'm sure Elizabeth has mixed feelings about the witch.. but what do her sisters think about that? Will the witches cast the power spell and become omnipotent?

Here might be something exciting for you Tonischreibt

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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