Chapter four

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Gilbert saw Book wiggle. "He woke up?!" He ran to it and fumbling for his keys. "Hey buddy." He was very jittery. "You guys know each other?" Izzy asked. "Hey. Remember me? Yeah, it's Gilbert. Gilbert the Great because, yeah, I've earned the title now with my knowledge of magic and the occult, but... Uh- huh. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. It's so incredible. I can't belive this." after that Book opened and a shining ray escapes through the roof into the sky.

Gilbert laughed creepy and Becca and Izzy couldn't believe their eyes."I can't believe it worked."

I knew exactly what would usually happen, so I ran to him to close the book. "Shut it."

"What were they like?" the 'Great' asked.

"No, what do you mean 'it worked'?" I asked.

"Did they sing? Because, you know they love singing."

"Wait, you knew that was Black Flame Candle?" Izzy was shoked.

"Look, I am so sorry I had to trick you, but.. I mean, I couldn't light the candle myself. It just- it wouldn't have worked."

"Well, why not?" I had no clue. He looked at me like he was trying to tell me in his head. I realized "Oh, eww."

"Why would you do this?" Becca yelled at him. "They're evil!"

"Well, only because they had to be. You know, they were ahead of their time and they were misunderstood. Then, the whole world was against them. But now, look, everybody loves them. Look at all this stuff." He was about to show us the things he kept.

The door opened and three figures were revealed. Becca and Izzy jumped and hid while I jumped in front of Gilbert.

"At last. Back to our squell and verminous abode." They laughed. "Home sweet." Before Winifred can finish the sentence, they've noticed the facility.

"No." Sarah said also in shock. They all looked discusted. "Where are all the cobwebs... and my rat tails?"

"Uh-oh. Winnie, hold me. Oh, it no longer smells like death. Now, it smells like..." Mary said.

"Clean linen." the witches gasped at the voice coming from Gilbert.
They turn to us. What they saw was us with Book in Gilberts arms, smiling. "Yeah, we have a plug-in for that." "Will you shut it!" I whispered yelled at him.

"Uhhh a girl" Sarah looked at me dirty.

"Hi, I'm Gilbert the Great and I am your biggest fan. Oh and that is Elisabeth" my eyes were glowing.

"Elisabeth.. a wonderful name for such a beauty." I had to blush a bit while Sarah came closer.

Winifred haven't even listened to him, she was so focused on Book. "My Book."

She squirted out her arms but I intervened and tried to hold it tight. It was stronger than I expected. Book pulled me along. When Winnie got it in her hand, she hit me on the finder to let go. I slipped and tried to get up immediately when Sarah's face came very close to mine.

"Let me thy help" She grabbed my waist and pulled me towards her.

At that moment, Winifred's book slipped out of her hand, distracting Sarah and allowing me to remove myself out of her grasp.

"Oh, my darling, they hurt you."

"is he okay?"

"Did he break anything?"

"Oh, my darling. Oh. I've missed thee. My beautiful Book, how's your eye?" she stroked him.

"Where are my lucky rat tails?" The blond witch hung on a wooden beam to grope for her rat tails.

"Oh-uh. Winnie, look, I found the two 40-year-old teenagers." Mary held Izzy and Becca by their collars. I stood next to Gilbert, confused. "Did she just said 40-year-old teenager?" I whispered to him.

Mary laughed.

"Oh, Winnie, can we kill them now?"

"All in good times. A quick death will be too kind for these 2 children. Here, hold my darling. And don't drop it like you just did."

"Thank you."

"Throw them in the dingeon."

"My pleasure" Mary smiled.

"Dungeon?" Gilbert and I asked at the same time.

Mary throw both down, I heard Izzy yelling.

"Bye-bye" they laughed.

"Ah, good work, Mary." Winnie praise her.

"Uh, whoa. Wait. Can we talk about this?" I asked.

"And who art thee?" the ginger ask curious.

"Have I really aged so much that no one recognizes me anymore? A little tip, it was the year 1691, your house was on fire..." I tried to help them remember.

"Our house was on fire?" Sarah asked confused Mary who couldn't seem to remember either.

"Elisabeth Barnes!!" Winifred gasped.

"Brown." I corrected

"Yes. However" She rolled her eyes.

"Elisabeth, the girl in the field? But how...?" I could see sadness and joy at the same time in Sarah's eyes.


I AM BACK SISTAHHS. I want to apologize for the long break, I had some drama about school...

If you're bored and have the Tiktok, feel free to drop by my accound: @marvelsbi7ch

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