Chapter Tree

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How the time goes... 329 years.
Many things changed, for example my 'powers'.

Remember when I put a spell on myself, the live forever and the other thing... What was it again?

Right, the monster.

Well I got some cool powers like being strong, fast and this weird red eyes thing. I don't know what exactly it is but I will find it out soon.

It's not the only what changed. The world had changed! Well I need to know it, I'm living in this earth since 1668.

Salem is now may bigger than in the 17th century, it's now 2022. Everything is possible. Gay marriage, women rights, black people got rights too and the best at all are M&Ms! Like have you eaten them befor? It taste like heaven! even when I wasn't there before...

Oh and I'm living in the town again, in a small house near the sea. It's still a bit away from downtown but that's better.

None of the Salem citizens after generations remember me or don't even know who I am. The only person who knows me 'good' is Gilbert.

He owns a magic store, and knows everything about the Sanderson sisters. He also got some stuff from them, that's why I like to go there, to remember Sarah.


I was right about to cut my tomatoes from the bush, when I hear the bell. It's not just a bell, I gave it to Gilbert when he's in danger.

I speed as fast as I could to his store and slam the door open to see two teenage girls standing in front of me. One of my hands on the throat of the curly hair girl to get her up. The other hand pushing the girl with glasses away.

My eyes are glowing again.
Gilbert looked like he's gonna shit himself.
"NO! They are good, they are our friends!" he yells at me to gat my attention. It worked, my eyes are normal and I dropped her down.

"I am so sorry, it was not my intention!" I begged them to forgive me. The girls got anxious faces, so I give Gilbert a 'help me out of here' look.

He needed a few seconds to realize. "ehm... Hey Becca, Izzy that's Elizabeth Brown an old friend of mine, you don't need to be afraid of her. She's actually kind." he helped me out.
"Hi"  "Hello", Becca and Izzy said.

"So when there is no danger, why have you ringed the bell?" I'm looking interested at him.

"Gilbert present me a candle, 'Cause it's Becca's birthday, but we didn't know that this was a 'Black flame candle'." Izzy told me, while looking at him with anger in her face.

"Tell me, how old are you two?
Ohhh don't tell me..." then I realize,
"GILBERT DON'T TELL ME!" I scream at him. In his eyes is the same fear like he is a young little boy who was scared of his mother, because he ate a cookie before dinner.

Everyone winced, because of a loud noise, like something or someone would push against a Glas.

Wrong Spell <Sarah Sanderson x fem reader>Where stories live. Discover now