Chapter 3

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Soon enough the train stopped. Altair was at the end of his book by the time they arrived. He was pretty sure he had found the missing runes, he just had to try if they worked alright with the rest and push magic into the diary. The first rune was the Kenaz rune which meant knowledge and the second rune was the Thurisaz which meant protection. He felt that they were fitting for the diary. Knowledge stood for information you could "send" by the diary and protection because the diary was a form of controlling and informing each other about dangers. They left the train without their trunks as those would be transported by the house elves. As they left the train they started to hear someone yelling.

"First years here! First years here! After me!" (A/N: I'm sorry for the lack of Hagrid's accent but I just can't do it at this point, I'll try to learn how to do it, but I'm not making any promises) Altair tried to find the owner of this voice, who turned out to not be that difficult to find, as it was a giant man with a huge beard. He had brown hair and a fairly pale complexion and a friendly facial expression, but Al didn't trust him. He couldn't, not after the things he had heard about Dumbledore from Tom, but let's not talk about that right now. Draco told Al about this massive man because their parents mentioned him in their stories about Hogwarts. His name was Hagrid and he was kind, but only to those who weren't in Slytherin or a Death Eater's child. They followed the big man to the lake and he ordered them to get into the boats, which looked very unstable and if Altair ever had kids, he wouldn't like them cruising in them. Regardless, they settled in the boats in groups of four people, as they were asked to do, without complaining. After about fifteen minutes they were on the other side of the lake with a perfect view of Hogwarts. Everyone, except for the few purebloods that learned to not do it, expressed their awe at how magnificent it looked. Even though they didn't show it, the Malfoy twins were really impressed by how marvellous it looked. They started to come up the hill to the gates of the castle. It was dark outside, but there wasn't a single cloud in the sky, so you could see every star. They walked in the moonlight and the view of the castle made an incredible ambience. On the right side and slightly behind them there was a dark forest that seemed scary, but also captivating (Al thought of all the ingredients and animals he could find there) and more to the left side there were plains and a single hut. Altair wondered to whom it belonged. Soon they made it to the gate of the castle and Hagrid knocked really hard on the door. The doorway opened and revealed an old woman. She had grey hair that was in a bun. She had a pointy black hat and a dark emerald robe. Her face had a lot of wrinkles, but her eyes held a lot of light as if she was young in the soul. She looked very strict.

"Hello, new students!" she said, her voice sounded loud and clear. You could understand every word she said without trouble even though there were lots of children. She gave the impression of being a great teacher to Altair. "My name is Minerva McGonagall, I am a teacher of transfiguration and the second headmaster. Today, you start your education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You will soon be sorted into your houses. There is Gryffindor, those with courage and determination will be sorted there. The next one is Hufflepuff which those with strong loyalty and diligence go to. Ravenclaw accepts those who seek knowledge and wisdom. And finally Slytherin a house for those with ambition and cunningness. Don't worry everyone will be sorted."

The speech finished and the witch came out of the view of the students. Though Altair noticed that she didn't leave the room. She was observing how they acted. Al decided to discreetly point her out to Draco. He touched his shoulder and pointed in the right direction by hand. Draco indicated with a nod that he already saw her and they silently went to the side of the room.

"What do you think about her?" Draco asked quietly "She seems strict doesn't she?" His voice sounded tight as if he was a little scared of her.

"Hm, she sounds alright, like a pretty good teacher. She's also responsible as she didn't leave the room, just came to the side to observe. That's smart of her as she doesn't know probably any of us, maybe she knows Potter, so she doesn't know what to expect. She is gathering information, truly Slytherin move" Altair responded even more quietly than his brother. Suddenly, there was a noise and a boy stood in front of them. He had an unmistakable lightning bolt scar on his forehead. They immediately knew who he was "famous Harry Potter". He had brown hair and green eyes. He looked average, his eyes though even pretty looked down at everyone with such a strong superiority that in the twins' minds they looked disgusting. Altair wanted to disappear, he knew that as soon as Potter came here there would come attention and he didn't want attention. He was perfectly fine being unnoticed.

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