Chapter 1

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It was seven years after the birth of the Malfoy twins, now. Everything was going fantastic. The twins developed quite well, Draco was talkative, it was six years ago when he had  uttered his first word, which, funnily enough, was "Altaw" though the Malfoy couple mistakenly thought it was "Mama", because they didn't hear the first one. Little blonde was very active, he could run all day long and chase after Lucius, who wasn't that happy with this arrangement. However, adult Malfoys gave all of their spare time to their first born, while Altair was forgotten. Al was a very quiet child, he didn't cry, didn't talk and didn't prattle, at least that's what the Malfoy couple thought. On the other hand Draco knew that Altair was capable of talking, although a little and quietly, he just didn't like to talk to people he didn't know and he certainly didn't know his parents. To be honest the first two years weren't too bad, they remembered him at least. They fed him, put him to sleep and all the stuff parents should do, but when he started to walk and eat on his own then they just forgot him. It was 3 years ago that it got even worse.


He was hungry, the last time he ate was a few hours ago when it was lunch, because he went with Draco to the kitchen and got himself something to eat. Draco was sweet, he was the best big brother he could imagine. He always cared about him and was alarmed when he heard snivelling coming from his side of the room. Draco allowed him to sleep with him when he had a nightmare or even if he felt scared or sad. He also walked with him to the kitchen or asked the house elves to bring him food if he was hungry. He wasn't like their parents and Altair loved him. However, there were moments like this - when Draco was taken by their parents to play in the garden or talk with them or to the playdates with other kids - that he didn't know what to do. He was hungry and he didn't want to go to the kitchen alone. He also couldn't ask the house elves because his father didn't include him as their Master. Earlier that day Draco went to play with Blaise Zabini at the Zabini Manor so he was alone all day. He mainly drew. Draco always told him that he was quite good at this and he even asked their parents to buy him (Draco) crayons, because they knew that if Altair asked them they wouldn't buy them. Draco told him that he could use his drawing set if he wanted. Al drew Draco a birthday present, he didn't have any money and didn't go out of the manor, so that was the best he could do. In the drawing there were Draco and Al lying on the grass near the lake, holding hands and smiling. It was cute in his opinion, it was surprisingly realistic, but for Al everything was instinctual. Draco came back for dinner, which was 1 hour earlier. Altair went to the dining room, but as he went through the doors he saw that the dinner was served for only three people so he came back to his and Draco's room to not disturb his family. He thought that Draco would come back by now, but he didn't and Al was starting to get hungry. After that much thought he decided that he would go to the kitchen to get something to eat. He was scared that he would get lost in the manor but luckily he didn't. Everything went smoothly, he got himself and apple and wanted to come back to his room. Well, that was until he accidently went into the lounge, in which his parents and Draco were playing. He knew he wasn't permitted to disturb them. Last time he got a warning and was to stay in his room for a week, well to be honest it wasn't like he went out of there very often. Draco brought him food so he wasn't hungry then. Now it was different though, because he already got a warning not to interrupt them and he was afraid of what was to come. He stumbled back with fearful eyes as his father looked at him angrily and his mother glared at him. Draco paled more than it was possible and catched Altair's eye.

"Now you're going to get it boy! I told you not to disturb us once and I won't be repeating myself." Lucius snapped. Al gulped noticeably and started to shake. Lucius was an intimidating man and he certainly didn't like Altair. "You definitely are unable to follow the simplest rules we set, so I am going to teach you the hard way." Lucius stood up. Draco started to panic and wanted to help his brother but he probably worsened his situation "Daaad... c'mon Al probably just got lost. Look he has an apple he just wanted to come back from the kitchen to our room" At the mention of an apple Lucius' eyes hardened and Draco realised that this wasn't the best way to go about this. He shot his brother an apologetic look and Altair smiled slightly, happy that his brother wanted to help him. He was really stressed, because he couldn't utter a word. He was a selective mute. Altair saw that Draco's eyes lit up and he looked to have an idea. Altair was too scared to care. "Dad?" Draco said in a small voice, which was strange for him as he rarely was shy or nervous about something or at least he didn't show it often. Altair immediately knew that his brother was acting and he knew that Draco was an incredibly good actor. Altair also was a decent actor but he wasn't anywhere near as good as Draco. Lucius and Narcissa however didn't know that their son was acting and were starting to worry about what could cause their son to be this nervous. "Yes son?" asked Lucius in a concerned tone. Draco smiled slightly, though for those who didn't look closely it wasn't visible. He quickly schooled his features to display a shy and a little scared look. "Well... um... it's just... I really like our play time and that you are able to spare some time to play with me" Draco started to talk,while carefully picking words in his head to say what he wanted to say. Their parents looked at him with worry and sadness. They started to think that they were doing something wrong and they didn't want that, they wanted Draco to be the happiest child in the world. "But... I wanted to play with Altair just this once?" Draco said unsure "Please, we don't play with him and he is really good at building castles. To be honest I wanted him to join and help me build a castle, so I could finally beat yours?" Little blonde said though it sounded more like a question. It was true, every other week Lucius and Narcissa built their little castle made of wooden blocks and Draco built his own. It was a competition that Draco came up with, but even though his parents always said he won he thought differently, so it was a perfect cover story for Altair. Al smiled, he always wanted to build a castle from wooden blocks and not only draw one, but he never had the chance as all of the blocks were in the lounge, where he wasn't permitted to enter. Lucius and Narcissa looked unsure, how could Altair help their son if he didn't talk and how did Draco know he is really good at building castles if he didn't build even one in his own life? As Narcissa thought about it she noticed that they really neglected their other son. She also noted that he wasn't at dinner, but she recalled that they didn't even put a plate for him, so she wasn't that surprised he got an apple to eat. If anything she was concerned why it was only an apple and not a full meal. She also noticed that he never cried nor complained, but she then remembered that he didn't talk, which was also concerning. She took pity on him and said "Sure Dragon, he can build a castle with you" Lucius looked at her, surprised that she said that,but then he thought that since it was what Draco wanted then that was what Draco would get. Altair smiled slightly bigger and mouthed "Thanks" to Draco when their parents weren't looking. Though this smile quickly faded as he heard Lucius say "We will talk about punishment later. For taking food without permission and at the hour that we are not eating." He totally forgot that Draco could eat at any time he wanted. "You will also be punished for roaming the manor unsupervised" He also overruled the fact that Draco could do that, as he was punishing Altair, who in his opinion needed to be taught a lesson. Draco was an angel after all. Al paled but nodded. For a few hours the atmosphere in the room was tense. Lucius and Narcissa built their castle as always with slight changes, while communicating quietly. They were paying attention to their children as they wanted to know how they were communicating, since they believed Altair to be a mute. However they were in for a shock as twins seemed to be communicating without words and only through gestures, such as nodes of head, shakes of hand/head, waves of hand etc. Though, they noted, sometimes Draco said something and Altair didn't respond in any way or at least it wasn't audible or visible for the Malfoy couple. All in all they were pretty confused. Narcissa seemed to forget her earlier thoughts about neglect and started quietly talking with Lucius about Altair's later punishment. Lucius said that he was infuriated that the brat interrupted them, he didn't want him. He was a nuisance and he would teach him a lesson - Narcissa agreed. Suddenly there was a burst of energy in the room seemingly out of nowhere. Cissa and Luc immediately glanced at their children and saw Draco staring wide-eyed at the castle and Altair smiling slightly. They quickly stood up and walked over to see what happened. What they saw was incredible. Not only was the castle quite big, the texture of the blocks was changed! They had a brick pattern on them instead of plain wood! All in all the castle was as magnificent as a block castle may be. They were truly speechless that the twins together could build something like that. Though they had no doubts in who worked more on this castle. "Oh Draco sure is talented if he could do something like this with his brother. Sure Altair helped, but... Like! Come on! Altair is a mute!" The Malfoy couple thought. "And the accidental magic that was displayed here! It sure was Draco" They stood for a second deep in thoughts until they heard a laugh coming from Draco. They snapped out of their shock and looked at the twins. Altair was tickling Draco mercilessly and a little blonde was laughing and screaming. "Altair, stop that!" Lucius shouted. Draco's laughter quickly died down and his stormy grey eyes hardened as he heard the tone that Lucius used. He didn't like his father in moments like this. He thought that his father was stupid to treat them unfairly. He never wanted to be like his father. He knew that he looked like his father, but he swore at that moment that he would be fair and kind to his family. Altair was grinning madly, Draco didn't see him this happy for a long time.

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