Chapter 3 : Mall

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Chapter 3 : Mall

Jessica's POV

After school I wanted in front of the girl's locker room waiting for Maria. Maria can't drive, so I called driving. Maria finally came out of the locker room. She takes forever in there. I waved at her and she came over. We hugged and headed to my mustang. When we got to my car, she looked at it in shock.

"This is your car?! I thought it was probably one of those rich guys at our school. Girl I'm jealous. Who got you this? Omg!"

Finally Maria stopped being jealous of the car and looked at me waiting for an answer. Geez girl that jealous. Look how rich you are and you can learn how to drive.

"I got this car when I turned 16 from my parents and older brother. They gave it to me because they knew I can drive and didn't had a car."

I went to the driver seat and went in. I unlocked the doors, so Maria can get in. Maria and I notice a lot of people looking at the bright yellow/black mustang. They looked like I wasn't the type of girl that had a car like this. Suddenly the car next to me doors unlocked. It scared me because it came out of no where. Oh shit there comes trouble at two o clock.

I decided to start the car and drove out of the parking lot and into the mall parking lot. I noticed the car next to me followed me to the mall.

"Maria I think we're being followed."

Maria looked behind and noticed Marcus in the driver seat.

"They probably just happen to go to the mall too."

I nodded and parked. We went into the mall and we went into Forever 21 first. I saw a cute crew neck and bought it. Maria told me to buy this light pink blouse. It was super cute! I bought it and we left the store.

Next we went to Papaya. I looked through the dresses that were on sale.

"Jessica! Look at this dress it's cute! Just your style try it on."

She tossed me the dress and I looked at it. It was cute and was on sale. I smiled at Maria.

"This is cute, I'll be back. Let me try this on."

I started walking and Maria shouted at me.

"Come out and show me how you look in the dress!"

Haha I gave her a thumbs and got a fitting room. I took off my short short, hollister shirt, and shoes. I tried on the dress. I looked at myself and said to myself.

"Woah I look amazing ! I'm totally wearing this tomorrow to show the new me. New start."

I showed Maria how it looked. She agreed I should wear it tomorrow. I bought it and we left the store. We went to a store right next to Papaya.

"Omg! This is a big sale! We better check out the clothes."

Haha I laughed and nodded my head. We went into the store. Of course the worker greeted us and told us the percentage of the sale.

"Maria! This shirt is just you. You get it!"

I let her look at the shirt I was holding. It was a loose shirt with a bow on the back. You would have to wear a tank top with it.

"That's so cute. I'll go try it on, if it works. I'll wear it tomorrow. By the way can you give me a ride tomorrow to school?"

She can talk a lot.

"Sure text me your address."

While Maria was in the fitting room I notice that Marcus entered the store. I quickly found a cute shirt and cute leggings, then went to the fitting room. I got my fitting room and tried them on. They were both cute, so I bought them. I came out at the same time as Maria.

Maria and I went out the store and I notice from the corner of my eye, Marcus was following us.

"Maria, turn around. You'll see Marcus."

"Wait..the hot quarterback?"

"What do girls see in him? He's always teasing me and full of himself."

"The world is just weird and awkward."

We laughed and went to the food court to eat. After we were done eatting we went over to my house. I had a huge house and not a lot of people live it. Just a sister and a brother, my mom and dad are usually at work most of the time.

After the mall me an Maria just talked about who Marcus was.

"Marcus Chambers is the hottest quarterback the school ever had."

"Marcus might be the quarterback, but he is so full of himself and thinks he knows everything about me."

"He just might be shock that your not interested in him like all the other girls."

"Haha that makes me wanna laugh, I rather.."

"Jessica sweetie. Please come down here there's a boy at the door who wants to meet you."

"Alright mom!"

Maria and I walked down the stairs. When we saw the guest , we were shocked

Author's Note :

I got three chapters done in one day. Might not be that great but hope you like it. Again please send me tips on this book. I want my first book to be the best. Thank you for reading.

Dedication : shyanna_123

I know how you like this book so much, so I dedicated this chapter to you. Comment please. Your always encouraging me to write the next chapter. Your such a good friend. Haha we have a lot in common though. Lol


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