This is not how today was supposed to go, and Dream feels absolutely, all-consumingly guilty about it.


Sapnap can sense the tension the moment he comes downstairs.

The first thing he notices is that Dream is curled up on the couch – alone. He frowns and peeks into the rest of the living room looking for George, but he's not in there. Weird.

He then decides to check the kitchen where, sure enough, he spots George sitting on one of the barstools scrolling on his phone. Dream's cup and bunny plush are strewn on the floor – also weird.

"Hey," Sapnap pipes up as he enters the room.

George snaps his gaze up to meet his, clicking his phone off.

"Uh, what's up with him?" Sapnap continues, gesturing over his shoulder to the living room.

George sighs and slides his phone onto the counter. "He's upset that I wouldn't give him a glass to drink out of after he dropped one on the floor earlier this morning. Broke into pieces, lots to clean up."

Sapnap points to the sippy cup with a questioning look.

"Didn't want it for some reason," George shrugs. "He just really wanted a glass, I guess. I haven't tried to talk to him yet." Then quieter, "I don't think he wants to see me right now anyway."

"Ah," Sapnap sucks in a breath. This doesn't sound too good. "I'll go see how he's doing," he says, gaining a nod from George.


Dream is still curled up between the pillows on the couch when Sapnap walks back into the living room. Quiet sniffles can be heard even from the doorway.

Sapnap approaches him and sits down carefully on the couch, right beside the boy's head. He places a hand on his back and starts to rub circles into it in the way he usually does when soothing is needed. Dream is quick to move closer, pushing his face into the side of his clothed thigh with a sad sniffle.

"Hi baby," Sapnap says softly.

Dream turns his head ever so slightly, peering up at him with his bleary eyes and flushed cheeks.

"Please don' make me go timeout," he mumbles weakly, muffled by the soft fabric of Sapnap's basketball shorts.

Sapnap tilts his head to the side with a frown as he processes the mumbly words – where did he get that idea? He runs a hand through messy strands of blond.

"Honey, you know we don't do timeouts. Did you think that was going to happen?"

Another sniffle as Dream nods, tears welling in his eyes all over again.

"Oh my sweet boy," Sapnap coos, leaning down to hug him tight, a sense of hurt growing in his chest with every sob that Dream lets out into his hoodie.

"You never have to worry about timeouts, sweetheart. We're never gonna punish you for getting upset. You're always allowed to disagree with us."

Dream sits up a bit in his arms, shaking his head. "But I was really mean to George, Napnap," he hiccups. "I– I yelled an' said mean things to him."

Sapnap brushes the boy's fringe from his forehead. "He knows you didn't mean it, baby," he reassures him. "You were just frustrated, right? And sometimes when we're frustrated, we say stupid things we don't mean, and that's okay."

Dream wipes his cheeks with the sleeves of his shirt. He still can't shake the guilty feeling in his belly. "But I wish I din' say it at all, Pandas," he admits, so quiet it's almost a whisper.

"I know, prince." Sapnap kisses his forehead, and just then, George comes walking in.

Dream reaches for him immediately, tears returning to his eyes. George was only trying to protect him from getting hurt, and he was so patient and kind even when Dream kept stomping his feet and saying rude things.

George sits down on the other side of him and wraps him in a big hug, letting Dream bury his face in his neck. "I'm really sorry..."

George hushes him. "Hey, it's alright, darling. I promise I'm not mad at you."

Dream loosens his grip a bit, daring to meet brown eyes. He is met with a smile.

"I promise," George repeats, petting his cheek. "We're all done with this now, yeah?"

Dream nods with a sniffle, even smiling a bit when George kisses the top of his head. His body feels heavy; crying is really exhausting...

He glances tentatively at George. "Is my cup okay? An' bunny?" He asks quietly, feeling more than a little stupid for throwing them the way he did. They didn't do anything wrong.

"Right here, honey," Sapnap answers from beside him, holding out both items for Dream to grab. "And there's fresh water in your cup, too. From George."

"Thank you," Dream mumbles sheepishly, taking a thing in each hand.

"Of course, darling." George brushes some of his hair from his eyes, tucking it behind his ear.

Dream looks at him again with guilty eyes. "I dunno why I wan'ed a glass, I jus' kind of wan'ed to get my way..." He trails off, slightly ashamed of his behavior. His reaction was nothing but childish, though perhaps that makes sense all things considered.

George chuckles and pulls him closer, settling a soothing hand in his hair. "I know you did, baby. It's okay."

Dream lets himself sink into the comfort. It'll be okay.

1424 words

i want to start using my priv twitter more so follow me on there if you want! i might post fic updates and snippets and stuff :P

the user is @ mellosecretclub :)


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