To keep on going

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Once we got to a junkyard my aunt Gladys owned

"Well, this is definitely the place."

"You guys lost? Or looking to pick up some merch?"

"We're looking for Gladys Jones. I'm family. We need a place to stay."

"Jughead? Sapphire?"


"Thought I smelled something rotten. And tasted sugar. You heard them. Open the damn gate." We smiled go and hugged her

"Jelly omg look at you." I said honestly in joy


"Hi, Mom."

"Oh, Jug. Oh! You feel like a... Like a bag of tire irons. Are you eating? Ugh, you're not a vegetarian now, are you?

"You wound me, Mother."

"Oh... call me a crystal finder if ain't the baby Vitale." She hugs me

"Hi aunt Gladys."

"Uh aunt huh so your mom told you finally. And I recognize that rooster top. Archie Andrews? Oh! Gosh, you sure grew up. Oh! So... You two finally got together, huh?" I chuckled

"I always knew there was something going on between you."

"Uh, no, we're not together together. We're just on the road together."

"Yeah. Like a bromance. Sure."

"I know you didn't come to Toledo for the weather. What's going on? Why didn't you call me, tell me you were coming?"

"Last time I called, you told me I couldn't come."

"Well, that was a different time. Hey, I got my GED now. Hmm? I started this whole place up. I am a legit businesswoman now."

"Hey, Gladys, tailpipe just came in with these. Where do you want 'em?"

"Yeah, not right now, Lugnut. Oh, hey, hold up. Get the crew together, huh? Tell 'em my son's and niece's come home. And his best pal, too. Tonight, we are going to feast."

"Whoa, yeah!"

"Hiram Lodge, huh? That good-looking short stack was always trouble. But why go after Archie?"

"Archie was the only one that stood up to him, defied him."

"Not to mention, I also date... Dated his daughter."


"Dated"? As in, no longer dating? As in, single?"

"Relax, Jellybean."

"It's JB now, Kid Kerouac."

"Nice." We high fived

"Archie. Have you spoken to your dad through any of this? Saph does your mom know your here." I shook my head no

"I wish. I wish I could see him, tell him how I'm doing. But it's too risky. He'd drag me home by the collar. Riverdale's not where I need to be."

"Pig's ready!"

"All right. You heard the guy. Archie, go get yourself a hot meal. Cheek's the best part." We went to get ready then Penny came for Archie lucky Jb saved him

"You know, Penny, I'm not shocked that a bottom-feeder like you is working with Hiram Lodge. You always had unfixed allegiances."

"That's rich, coming from Gladys Jones.'

"Yeah, well... I am surprised that you're not ratting him out right now. He must have something real good on you, Penny-slot."

"I'm no snitch. But I will say this, Hiram won't stop. Not till he gets what he wants. And right now, that's Red. And there's nothing that you, or your little Lord of the Flies crew, little gem or Jughead here can do. Hiram won't stop."

"Speaking of my Jug and gem I saw the work that you did on them. You carved her up like a Sunday roast."

"That was business between me and them."

"Yeah, well, I'm his mama and her aunty. So it's between me and you now. All right, everyone, go inside, me and Penny here, we're gonna have us a little girl talk."

"Ask her about G&G, how Hiram fits into it all."

"Roger that." And we leave once finished we head back to aunt Gladys

"What happened with Penny?"

"Just give me a second, Jug, okay? Let me think. I just need to think."

"She talk about the game?"

"Jug, come on."

"We know she was tracking Archie for Hiram. Was it a quest from her master? Is Hiram more than the Man in Black? Is he the Gargoyle King?"

"You are so caught up in this damn game, you can't see three feet in front of you. The big prize isn't Archie's head, it is Riverdale. Jug, if you had your wits about you, you would realize that Hiram chased you and Saph out of town just to get you two off of the chess board. So you were as far away from Riverdale when he made his big play."

"So it's not about ascending to the Kingdom? It's about claiming the Kingdom. And if Hiram is the Gargoyle King, then he is responsible for re-introducing G&G to Riverdale and the deaths of those kids."

"Mrs. J, what do we do?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out, sweetie."

"Are we okay here? I mean, is Archie even safe?"

"Yeah, of course he is." In the morning I woke up and we were all getting ready when

"All right. Now, I packed you guys some lunches for the road. Hey, Jug, you mind getting that? It's probably Archie's ride."

"Dad! I've missed you so much, Dad. Me too, son." As we went outside I see

"Mom!" She runs over and hugs me

"You had me and your father worried sick." She placed both hands on my cheek I see she had tears running down her face

"I'm sorry mom..... I can't let Archie go alone."

"Sweetie this is to dangerous."

"Mom please."

"I'll have men behind you okay and have them on speed dial." I nod she kissed my head and me and Archie head off

"You don't have to do this saph."

"I love you Archie and if this is to keep you safe then Hiram better be ready for a bullet war cause over my dead body I'll let him touch you."

Her Riverdale TaleWhere stories live. Discover now