Iya: you have a meeting

Him: yep. But I promise I'll make it up to you guys

Ase: aaah dad... but we supposed to go out

Me: your father has business to attend to Melody. Let's not keep him from work

Ase: ok

Him: I still have 30 minutes before my meeting

Me: nah you have to prepare. We'll see you at home

Iya: so we leaving?

Me: yep

Him: nope

We said that at the same time and the kids just laughed at us.

Iya: which is it guys?

Me: where do you guys want to eat?

Melo: Spur

Ase: Wimpy

Me: what about you Iya?

Him: so you guys are leaving?

Iya: yes. We will see you at home

She said kissing her father's cheek and with that the kids said their goodbyes and we walked out of his office and went to my car.

Me: so where are we eating?

Iya: Panarottis at Ushaka

Ase: I also want to go to Ushaka world

Me: then that's where we are all going. Don't you guys want to go home and change first?

Them: nope

I drove off to Ushaka and we went to panarottis and everyone ordered what they wanted to eat. They were each telling me about their day. Nothing beats spending time with my kids, they always know how to get things off my mind. We had a great day and around 3:30 I got a call from Damon asking our whereabouts and I told him we were just looking around Ushaka with the kids and he came to join us.

Him: you guys are done eating?

Me: yep

Him: oh...

The kids asked to go and watch that guy who moves when you put money in his hat and so we let them and gave them some money to put in his hat. This was going to give us a chance to speak proper.

Him: what you saw at the office is not what it looks like

Me: b...

Him: let me finish and then you can talk. Ever heard of a man named John McAlister?

Me: I've read about him online. He's friends with Chris Johnson I think

Him: yeah well he's as dangerous as Mr Gagashe. Jade married this guy 2 years ago and 6 months into the marriage he started hitting her. It started small and then escalated, this one time he hit her so hard she was on bed rest for 2 weeks. Jade is looking to divorce him but that man is powerful, he is more less another version of Gagashe. Jade's buttons were like that because she was showing me her bruises. This man refuses to let her go and if I don't help her then she won't walk out of that marriage alive. Jade cannot have kids because of him, because of him hitting her all these months.




She was speechless. Her hand was in her mouth this whole time. I had to help her, yes Jade and I have had our differences but I am against woman abuse and so was my wife and if there was ever anyone who could help her, it was Me. We continued walking and she seemed to understand and was okay with me helping Jade.

Me: so how did your meeting go?

Her: it went great. He said he would send me the contract when he goes through it

Me: that's great. I'm proud of you Mrs Bess

She smiled.

Her: Thanks Mr Bess.

We caught up with the kids and they seemed so entertained.

Me: hey you guys, time to go

Ase: but daddy we still playing with the man

Me: we'll come again this weekend ok.

Melo: cool

We went to the parking lot while chatting and just behaving like a normal family would. The twins said they wanted to go with me and Iya said she wanted to go with Ama. We got into our separate cars and drove straight home with the twins telling me about school and stuff. We got home first ad Ama right behind us. The kids raced into the house and we followed.

Her: I got a call from mom telling me to come home this Friday

Me: why? Did something happen?

Her: nope she wouldn't say. She just told me to come home

Me: I wonder

Her: she sounded pretty strange but it's probably nothing

We went inside and I took our things to the bedroom with her following behind me. She locked the door

Me: ok and then?

Her: I've been doing a lot of thinking

She said that walking close to me stripping her clothes off layer by layer. She then stood in front of me wearing nothing but her underwear and bra. She was still sexy even with 2 kids, after giving birth she went back to gym and worked on getting her body back into shape. I looked at her body from the bottom up, she took my blazer off

Me: thinking about

She was stripping me layer by layer

Her: about us.

Me: what about us?

Her: a lot has changed over the years and it's been good change and bad change. We used to have sex almost every day and now we have some almost twice a week or none at all. We need to change that

Me: ok

This is the thing about us man, if you stand naked in front of us best believe that we'll agree to anything and everything with hopes to get the cookie. But in this case it was different. This was my wife standing in front of me and I would do anything and everything to keep her happy at all times and she wasn't lying about our sexlife, it has been suffering and things need to change.

Her: let's make a vow

I chuckled.

Me: a vow?

Her: yes, a vow like we did on our wedding day.

Me: what are we vowing to?

Her: I promise to be home at 5 and never to miss the kid's bedtimes for as long as I live

Me: ok we really doing this. I vow to never miss the kid's bedtimes too and to have lots and lots of sex with you whenever I can, I don't care what the weather is like, where we are or how old we are for as long as we both shall live

We both laughed.

Her: and I also vow to continue surprising you with random lunches as I used to. We both CEO's of successful companies in our fields and I think it's only fair that the people we work with remember that we are married people with families and kids to take care of

She held out her pinkie finger and I held out mine too.

Me: now may I kiss my wife to seal this deal?

She giggled.

Her: yes you may Bess.

I kissed her and picked her up and led us to the bed. I was like a Christian Grey, I admired each and every part of her and gave it the attention it needed and made sure to leave her satisfied in all aspects of the word. I went down on her and she went down on me and we had some good as love making, saying we had sex was an understatement because what we did was mind-blowing. It reminded me of the reasons I put the ring on and asked her for marriage, it reminded me of why she and I are still together even after all these years. I love my wife and I love her sex. I don't even imagine myself being this intimate with anyone else but her.

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