
Me: ok

I sat next to Iya.

Me: so how old are your friends? Where are they from?

Her: Nikitha is 4 and Lona is 3. I love them, we share our food

Me: wow thats sweet. You such a good girl. What did they teach you?

Her: to count from 1-5

Me: ok count

Her: 1...2...4....3... Yoh ha.a its 1...2...3...4...5

Me: good girl

I said clapping hands for her.

Me: You're a big girl. high 5

We high fived and she giggled

Her: and teacher made us colour pictures

Me: that is great my baby

Dae: breakfast is served. Juice?

Me: yes, please

Iya: tea

Me: in this heat nana? ha.a you'll have juice ok?

Her: fine. Thank you daddy

Me: thanks babe

Him: pleasure

We ate in silence just listening to Iya tell us about how nice school was and how the play during break and everything interesting. When we were done I packed up the dishes and washed them while Damon went upstairs. After washing the dishes, I went to wash Iyana and when she was done I dressed her up in a cute dress and a sandal then we went downstairs to chill and play games on the iPad.




Am I wrong for wanting to have a child with my wife? Someone who shares both our blood in their body and not just mine alone? I'm sorry but I don't understand why she's being selfish about this. After showering I decided to go cool off at the office because this tension here at home was not right. I packed up my stuff and took my car keys and headed down.

Iya: where are you going daddy?

Mahle turned to look at me

Me: to work

Iya: I want to come with you

Me: you going to get bored and want to come back nje

Ama: don't worry we'll go for ice cream princess

Her: but I want to go with daddy

Me: ok let's go then

With that my princess and I went to the office not forgetting to carry a few of her dolls to keep her company and my fully charged iPad. I was barely going to get any work done because this hyper active kid of mine is talkative and she loves attention more than anything. We got to the building and it was quiet AF*, the securities were at the door.

Them: Mr Bess

Me: hello.

Vusi: Is this your daughter boss?

Me: yes, Say hello princess

Her: hello. I'm Iyana Melanie Bess and I'm 3 years' old

She said holding up 3 of her fingers making us all laugh

Xola: Hello Iyana. I'm Bhuti Xola

Vusi: and I'm Bhuti Vusi

Vusi: aren't you supposed to be home with the Mrs?

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