Chapter 62 - Twin flame

Start from the beginning

- karlie -

"I'm scared, Tay," Dr King didn't hesitate in getting me moved to delivery, and now we're in a room filled with nurses and medical equipment. "I know, my love, but you are the strongest person that I know. You're going to do this, and you're going to make your boy so, so proud of you, okay?" Her soft blue eyes stare into mine as she kisses my knuckles, holding my hand tight as she stays right by my side. I need to do this, not just for our girls, but for Noah.

I nod as I squeeze her hand back, Dr King coming back to my side. "Are you ready?" She gives me a gentle smile and I nod again, "I have to be, it's time for these little ones to meet their siblings." She smiles as she nods, "there we go, good girl. You've got this."

I look up to Taylor as I feel another pain rolling through my body, "there's so much pressure," I cry as I squeeze her hand. "Remember what we said, breathe and push," I nod, my heart pounding as I go with my body's instinct, Dr King telling me exactly what to do and encouraging me constantly.

"You're doing so well, Karls, just a little longer," I nod as I catch my breath, my whole body feels like it's on fire when I'm pushing. "It didn't hurt this bad the first time," I laugh nervously as I look into Taylor's eyes, the singer hovering by my head as she smiles, "you're making him so proud, my love."

My biggest fear going into this was that what happened with Noah would repeat, but I think he's been protecting us all along. He sent us the girls to heal that part of me that's been broken for so long.

Every ounce of energy I have goes into pushing, my body exhausted and in so much pain. "There she is, you're crowning, Karlie, so one more push and we'll have her head, okay?" I nod as I rest my head back against the pillows, Taylor wiping my face with the flannel as she tries her best to comfort me, but it feels like seconds before I'm pushing again.

"Here we go, mama, she wasn't waiting around!" Dr King laughs as the baby is born completely on the next push. "She was ready to meet her mamas," we only have to wait a second before the sound of the crying newborn echoes through the room, and I can't help the tears that stream down my cheeks as Taylor moves my gown a little for them to lay her down on my chest.

I stare at the tiny little thing in awe as I hold her close, "we've waited a long time to meet you, little one," I kiss her little face as Taylor stares at her too, "she's so perfect," the singer laughs through her own tears, and I bring her knuckles to my lips as I nod, "she's ours and she's here and she's healthy." I'm so overwhelmed simply by the fact that she's real and that I brought her into this world.

"And it seems her sister is eager to join her," another contraction hits me and I groan as I push again, my body not giving me much choice in the matter. "It's okay, I've got her," Taylor fusses about the baby, but she's safe where she is and I don't want her to be away from me yet.

Baby B makes her way into the world even faster than her sister, taking only a few pushes before she's born. Taylor and I wait anxiously for her cry, and my heart pounds when it doesn't come after a few seconds. "Why isn't she crying?" I'm fighting tears as I try and get answers from someone around me. "What's wrong wit-" I don't even get to finish my sentence before newborn cries fill the room again, and I can't help sinking back in relief.

"Hi there," I laugh as the second baby is placed on my chest too, both of them contently cuddled up together. "You did it, my love," Taylor beams as she kisses my face, looking at the three of us with so much love. "They're so perfect, I can't believe they're real," I have tears streaming down my cheeks as I smile brightly at my wife and our newest little angels.

- Lilah -

"Oh my god, Lil, check your phone!" Selena gasps as she grins at her phone and Nia passes me mine from the coffee table as she lays on me. "No way!" I open the text that Taylor put into the family group chat, shocked to find a picture of my mom with the newborn twins on her chest. "I thought she was gonna be in labour for ages?" I look to Selena who just laughs, "when a baby decides they're coming, there's nothing you can do but go with it. I think your sisters just wanted to be part of gotcha day too."

I show Nia the picture and she pouts, "I'm so glad your moms are having babies so I don't need to have my own for some baby cuddles," I just roll my eyes as I laugh, "I can't exactly go getting you pregnant, genius, so I don't know how you expected that to happen."

I reply to my moms asking for more pictures and sending them all my love. "I'm glad they didn't wait for you to get here, otherwise those babies would've been born on the kitchen floor," seeing mom so vulnerable and in pain was awful, she's suffered the whole pregnancy so I'm glad for her sake that it's over.

"You two can head up to bed if you like? I should put this little one down soon and get to bed before your little brother and sister decide to wake up," Nia and I stayed up to sit with Selena until she got Alessia back to sleep, and I set up the guest room for them when she was on her way over. "They're going to be so confused in the morning," i laugh as i run my fingers through Nia's bright pink hair, "and Rosie is going to freak out when she finds out, she's been so excited to have baby sisters and now they're here."

Rosie is going to be ecstatic and I'm already in love, but Auggie is the wild card - he's either going to adore them or hate them and we won't know until he meets them.

- Taylor -

The girls arrived so quickly that nobody really had a chance to process what was happening. Karlie got to hold them for a while whilst Dr King checked her over and once everything was fine with Karlie, they took the babies to check them over and clean them up too.

"They are premature, meaning that we'll have to monitor them for the next twenty four hours to make sure that no complications arise. But, your girls are a healthy weight and their medical assessments gave no cause for concern." Dr King brings the twins back to us with a soft smile and I take one baby as she hands the other to Karlie.

I look to my wife with a proud smile as I hold the newborn in the crook of my arm, they're both so tiny and delicate. "Look at them, Karls, you made them," I rest my head on her shoulder as I stare at the two little ones, I can hardly believe they're real. "Do they have names yet?" I look up at Karlie as she smiles gently back at the doctor, "they do, but we need check with their siblings before we finalise them," I nod in agreement as I kiss her shoulder gently.

"I'll pop back in on you in the morning, but for now, just press the call button for the nurses if you need anything, okay?" It's the middle of the night, so we should really sleep, but we're both running off of adrenaline at this point. "Thank you, Dr King, we appreciate everything you've done for us to help us have our girls," she nods, smiling back at us, "thank you for trusting me. I'll see you four tomorrow."

She leaves us alone in the room as we hold our girls. It's a surreal feeling to have two brand new lives in our arms, and I couldn't be more proud of Karlie for how well she handled the birth.

"Lil is going to come by in the morning if you're feeling up to it?" I check my phone as the teen texts me back, and Karlie nods, "I think she should be the first to meet them, she's done more than her fair share of helping out over the last few months." Lilah's been incredible since the pregnancy really started hitting Karlie, and we really couldn't have done it without her.

I sigh contently as I watch the newborn in my arms, glancing between both babies because I can't believe they're ours.

"Oh I know, it's okay," the little one starts fussing in Karlie's arms, and she's still sore from the labour, so we do a quick swap and I get up to try and settle her. "It's okay, sweet girl," I pace a little as I sway with her. Auggie always settled like this and it seems his little sister is a fan too.

I take a seat in the chair beside the bed as I yawn, it's 3am and neither of us has slept much, but we don't really want to either.

"I'm so proud of you," I haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face in hours, but I am so incredibly proud of my wife. "I didn't think I could do it, but they proved me wrong," Karlie hums as she runs her finger over the newborn's cheek, "and I've never been happier to be wrong," she laughs as she looks over to me.

"You did what you had to in order to keep them safe, even when you were terrified, and that makes you the strongest person in the world, Karls," I'm in awe at how well she handled it through her fears. "Your mama is literally superwoman, little ones," I coo at the babies as I smile, our world is perfect.

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