"Yes. She says that the next shipment will be in January instead of December."

"Wouldn't that be when you're going to be shipped out?"

"The next shipment will be me. So we have to escape as soon as possible."

"Ray, I have something to tell you."

"Hm?" Ray turns his head to face Karma. She shuts her book and turns to Ray.

"What if the next shipment is my shipment?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Mom says that I may be shipped out sooner than expected-"

"What?!" Ray gets out of his chair. "What about one of your conditions?"

Karma stands up from her chair as well. "She says that the higher ups are going to ask for any child they want. If she says that, what if I'm the next shipment, and then you? What if...there will be a shipment next month? Or worse, this month."

"We need to think of something."Ray says as he starts pacing a little.

"Ray, just calm down for a moment-"

Ray turns to face her."How can I remain calm when we both can't determine your shipment date? This isn't fair."

"I won't be shipped out and become a Mom." Karma places both hands on his shoulders.

"What makes you say that?"

"I'll go into hiding. If Mom can't find me, then she can't ship me out."

Ray processed Karma's statement, then suddenly remembers,"Right, you don't have the tracker in your ear."

Karma nods her head."Can I trust you to aid me while I'm in hiding?" She lets go of Ray.

"What kind of question is that?" Ray smiles. "You know I will."

Karma was relieved to hear this.

Back with Emma, Norman, Don, and Gilda around the time when Ray was having a discussion with Isabella.

"But even if Ray and Karma are dealing with Mom, what about Sister?" Don asks Norman as they all continue their walk down the forest.

"Yea." Gilda adds,"If Sister finds out, wouldn't be shipped out immediately?"

"Don't worry. I have an idea." Norman assures them.

The children didn't realize that someone was listening while hiding in the forest. That person was the topic of their discussion.

The children were shocked to be spotted by Sister Krone, who greets them with an eerie smile.

The children stop st theor tracks and turn to face Krone.

"Do you need something?" Norman questioned.

"I caught you." Krone says. "I was watching the whole thing!" Krone tells them as she makes huge movements like as if she's dancing.

"You all know the secret. Norman, Karma, Emma, Ray, Gilda, and Don. The six of you.

Krone spins around like as if she's a ballerina, stops and has her arm stretched out in front of Emma.

"How would you like to join forces with me?" Krone offers.

"Don't worry. Let's hear Sister Krone out."

Krone was ecstatic.

"That's right. We should cooperate so we can achieve our goals." Krone says, then continued,"You all want to escape. I want to become Mom of this House.

"I want to have Isabella drag down from her position as Mom, and claim that position as my own."

"Mom's position?" Don repeats Krone.

"That is what I'm after." Krone clarified. "I also want to break free from this position."

Krone unbuttoned her collar and reveals her farm identification number, much to the children's surprise.

"Here's how the system works here?"Krone started as she circles around the children,"Girls who fulfill certain conditions and live until the age of twelve are given two choices- get killed and eaten by the demons or aim to become a Mom."

"What are the conditions?" Don asked.

Krone stops circling, "If you meet these two requirements, you can survive without escaping. You have to be a girl."

"A girl." Gilda repeats Krone.

"But I wouldn't recommend it." Krone advised. "They make it hard for you to leave the premises."

Krone unbuttoned more buttons to show the children the scar on the middle of her chest.

"What is that?" Emma looked surprised. The children sharing the same feeling.

Krone explains, "There's a chip inside. If I were to step one foot outside the farm, an electric current will sent through this and my heart will stop.

"At the same time, if something else makes my heart stop, then it acts as a transmitter that notifies the higher ups."

Krone buttons up her uniform. As she does, she continues to talk.

"I can only live inside the farms. That's why I want to live the best possible life here. As a Mom. Even if its all fake, it's a life for humans."

Emma is disgusted by Krone's words, and her face says it all.

"If you all escape here, she will be blamed. Don't worry. I won't get in your way. You can escape. This will benefit all of us. Let's work together!"

Everyone is hesitant for a moment, but then Norman takes a stand and goes to shake hands with Krone.

Before Norman could shake hands with Krone, Emma goes to stop him.

"Wait!" Emma goes up to Krone.
"How do we know we can actually trust you?"

"You don't trust me?" Krone says with a smile on her face.

"Just answer!" Emma demanded.

"You have Ray and Karma on your side. If any of them tell this to Mom, you can crush me. But if I tell Mom that that both of them are double agent, I can crush you all. No one can betray the other."

Krone crutches down to meet Emma's gaze. Emma remains in eye contact with the woman right in front of her.

Norman and Krone then shake on it.

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