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Alright, this chapter will be my 5000+ words goal. Wish me luck!

Krone tells the children to meet her in her room at nighttime to give them more information that she knew about. This was to be 'proof of her friendship'.

The children meet in the testing room later in the evening.

"She wants to live the best life possible, huh? She was even one of us, too." Emma says angrily. "She doesn't care about anyone but herself!"

"But she said she wouldn't ship us out." Gilda reminds her.

"It's not that she won't. She can't." Norman says. "If she really wanted us to escape, she just needs to assist us quietly when the time is right. She's showing us her cards to gain out trust."

"Why does she want us to trust her?" Don asks.

"Evidence that shows our rebellion." Norman answers. "In other words, she's in a position where the higher-ups won't trust her without evidence to back-up her claims. She doesn't have the authority to ship us out like Mom does."

"What if she finds the rope?" Don asks suddenly.

"If she does, we can come up with many excuses to back it up." Karma spoke. "It's the equipment that we should worry about."

"If she finds the equipment that breaks the tracking device, then we're done for." Ray tells them.

"Right." Norman agrees. "That piece of evidence is what we can't make excuses for."

This shocks Don and Gilda, and their worry grew.

"Don't worry." Ray assures them. "I won't make that kind of mistake. I still need to work on it, though."

"If we have her believe that we don't know where the tracking devices are, or how to break it, then everything will be fine." Norman says.

"Are you really going to go?" Gilda asks Emma. "It's Sister Krone that we're dealing with."

"Why do we have to join forces with her?" Don questions. "What advantage do we get out of the situation?"

"If we use her well, we would be able to get information from her." Karma says. "Plus, joining forces eliminates one person from getting in our way. Makes it easier to focus on the investigation."

It didn't seem like Don or Gilda were at more ease about the situation, so Emma decides to speak.

"It'll be okay. We have to use every opportunity we can."

Emma puts her hands on Gilda's shoulders and gives her a cheery smile, in a way to comfort her. Norman puts a hand on Don's shoulder to comfort him. After that, Norman turns to Ray.

"Ray, can I talk to you? I want to discuss the steps for the investigation."

"Sure." Ray follows Norman out the door. The only one's in the room are Karma, Don, Gilda, and Emma.

Karma turns to look at all of them. She walks over to Emma and whispers something in her ear.

"I promised you something, didn't I?"

Emma brightens up and gets excited for what Karma is about to say next.

Karma steps back from Emma and to look at everyone once again.

"Don, Gilda. I have a job for the two of you."


In front of the gate, there was a package on the ground. Isabella walks toward the package to take it with her back to the house.

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