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            This is how to tell people your preferred name; this is how to make people use your preferred name; this is how to deal with transphobes; this is how to cut your hair, so you look masculine; this is how to bind safely; but what if it's too tight? This is how to pack; this is how to not swing your hips when you walk; this is how to recover after top surgery; this is how to recover after bottom surgery; this is how to inject testosterone; this is how to deepen your voice; this is how to legally change your name; this is how to change your gender marker; this is how to go in the men's bathroom without getting assaulted, be sure to bring a switchblade; this is how to pick your new name; this is how much facial masculinization surgery is; this is how to get an Adams apple; be sure to eat bananas often, they contain some testosterone; this is how to figure out your pronouns; this is how to figure out your sexuality; this is how to figure out your partner is ok with you being transgender; this is how to dress masculine; this is how to deal with gender dysphoria; be sure to shower in the dark so you can't seen your body; but what if I need to see? This is how to have masculine hobbies; this is how to stick up for yourself; this is how to fight like a man; this is how to show dominance; this is how to have male mannerisms; this is how to tell other people your transgender; this is how to avoid toxic masculinity; this is how to never look like a girl; this is how to present feminine if you want to; this is how to prove you're a real boy; but what if they don't believe me?  You mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of transgender man that people wont believe??

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