chapter 6

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006- chapter 6

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006- chapter 6

november 12th

NBA PLAYERS RARELY HAVE AN OFF DAY. From back to back games, and long travel days, they barely have a day to relax.

So today Jordan was taking it all in. He planned on just chilling with J2 and Ralen, Maybe go out for dinner. But that was it, no basketball.

The sound of his 6:30 alarm blasted through this ears. "Shit!" he cursed under his breath realizing he forgot to turn off his alarm the night before. He tossed and turned for another ten minutes trying to fall asleep but that didn't work.

Sadly after not being able to fall back asleep he just decided to get up and get ready for the day.

After brushing his teeth, eating breakfast, and a 45 minute concert in the shower, He was finally ready. His outfit consisted of a matching, "you matter university" sweatsuit and yellow shoes to pair.

Grabbing his keys and headed to his car. He actually had no idea where he was going, but he did want to get out of the house.

one night...

SOMEHOW JORDAN ENDED UP... At the Warriors facility. Wow what a coincidence.

A special someone had been on his mind, and decided why not give them a visit. Turning off his car, he walked to the entrance and entered his code to get in.

"Mr Poole? What a surprise seeing you here!" Rich, and older man on security said. Jordan chuckled, scratching his head. "Can't escape this place am i right?"

After their encounter, Jordan headed up to the media department, hoping Kaliya would be there.

please be here, so i don't look like a dumbass that came here for no reason.

He knocked first waiting for a response, but for nothing. He tried again and again and still no response.

Well here goes nothing.

When he opened the door he expected no on to be there, but to his surprise there she was, chair facing away from him, AirPods in her ears, and hundreds of papers scattered on her desk.

"Jesus, Anthony! Ever learned to knock?" She jumped, startled when she turned her desk chair around.

"Calm down! I did knock like a thousand times and i got response so i walked in." He replied back quickly.

"Wait, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be off remember?" Her tone was concerned, worried that he had worked out today.

Over the past few months working for the Warriors she realized that Jordan tends to overwork himself. Not on purpose, but after bad games, or when he thought he didn't play well enough, he would find himself staying long hours and pushing his body far beyond his limit.

His cheeks flushed at how concerned she sounded. Like she cared for him. "Chill, Angel. I promise i did no physical activity, i'm just chillin today." He answered truthfully, not realizing what nickname slipped out of his mouth.

"Okay Jordan. I hope you're telling me the truth, your body really needs to rest."

"I promise. Anyway enough about me, why you here? if I'm off, you're supposed to be off." He asked finding another desk chair to sit on.

"I know but i have so much stuff to edit, and nobody's here to bother me, so todays a perfect day to do it" She explained. "Well i take that back, because now you're here to bother me, go hang out with you friends or sum, and leave me alone, lil boy."

"Nah i'm straight, imma trynna stay here with you. And trust me nothing about me is little." he smirked.

Kaliya new he wasn't lying. But she didn't want to make his ego go up anymore than it already was. "Okay if you gonna be here you gotta help me, these all have to be published in two days."

"I gotchu', let's get to work."

Roughly four hours later, all of Kaliya's interviews and media videos were edited. With the help of JP of course.

"Thank you so much Anthony!" She smiled, sighing in relief that all of her work was done.

"Anytime Angel." He cheesed. "Now get your ass up i'm so hungry" Jordan said basically bouncing out of his chair.

"Okay! Let me get my purse."


zoey's corner!
loves writing this chapter! not proofread so please ignore all mistakes. comment what you would like to see in upcoming chapters! don't forget to vote!

until next time:)

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