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"I want all of you on the jet in the next 15 minutes" I hang up the phone not waiting to hear what Felipe has to say.

"Boss we found this in the garden" I look over to Romeo who's been handed a black envelope.

I watch as he opens it reads what ever it says then passes it to his brother. They share a look then look over to me, then back to each other before Dimitri hands the envelope and it's contents to me.

Hello old friend

It seems to me that your boys have once again lost what was once promised to them.  Tik tok times running out not only for her but for their heir as well.

Meet me at the usual spot and do bring your pets I think they'll like to see the show.

P.s. Don't be late

I clench my jaw and punch the wall to my left this cannot be happening again. I just got her back and now he has her. Once again he's managed to take her from me.

"Marquez what the fucks going on and who the fuck took our girl" Dimitri calmly asks coming to stand at my side.

Sighing I run my hands down my face and start to explain to them who has her.

"Before your father suggested the arrangement between the three of you there was another Capo who had tried to arrange a marriage between his son. I never trusted him so I told him there wasn't going to be a deal with him that we could still serve as allies but that there wouldn't be nor would there ever be a marriage" I pause while I take a seat leaning my head back. "Charles and I meet when we where just starting out" I chuckle a little then turn to look at the boys "Our fathers where friend, I meet  Indi's mother at one of there many events they'd hold but there was a small rivalry that soon started between myself and Charles. He was obsessed with Tatiana and even tried to kidnap her the day of our wedding but our fathers thought it best to arrange a marriage with one of Tatiana's friends who was in love with Charles but any way long story short he is who took her and he will kill her if he don't get what he wants"

The boys tense ever so slightly but remain quiet no the less as I watch the two men before me I realize just how grown up they have become.

"Marquez there's something we need to tell you. You see Indigo was in a relationship with Kevin who just so happens to be Charles Andrades son" Dimitri spits out their names with hate.

"What the fuck do you mean she was in a relationship with His son" I ask standing to my feet.

"We had one of our men do a background check on Indigo when we first meet her" Roman says as he's being handed a file.

"Everything you need to know is in here" he says passing it to me. Just as I'm about to open it there friend and Dr come walking into the room.

"I know this isn't the best time or maybe it is but the results have come back and Indigo Jones is in fact Indigo Santiago" he hand me a piece of paper and I can't stop the tear that slides down my cheek.

"Thank you Davilia we'll be calling on your skills when the time comes" Roman says with a nod.

I take both the file I was handed me the piece of paper Davilia handed me and walk out of the living room to the guest room the boys have here for me.

Taking a seat on the edge of the bed I can help the tears that start to fall as I stare at the 99.9% positive match of the DNA results. She is my daughter and once again she's gone she's slipped out of my hands just like she did before.

I wipe my eyes and open the file only for the tears to fall once more after reading all the hell my poor girl went through. I know my life style isn't the best and she most likely would of suffered more then what she did but then again I wouldn't of let what he did to her happen and I sure as fuck wouldn't up let anyone do to her what has been done.

My sadness is soon replaced with anger and I'm storming out of the room back down the hall to the living room ready for war.

"My men should be here in the next four hours and I expect you two ready to prove yourselves to be all that your reputation betrays you to be" both men turn to me with nothing but fire in there eyes and I know I made the right choice all those years ago in arranging for them to marry her.

"We've already send out some of our runners to check around and everyone has been briefed on the situation and who it is we're up against" Dimitri says with his head held high just as a grate leader should.

"Hex and Raven are on the circuit taping in to what ever servailence they can but with out the exact location of where this meeting is taking place we can't get a clear enough view" Roman says further proving to me the men they've become, the leaders they've become.

"Colonia Sangrati" two word That all it takes for them ti k ow where I'm talking about it's a place non of use have been back ti ever since that night the night that I lost my daughter, my wife  and the two shattered boys before me lost there parents.

Roman stumbles back a little while Dimitri takes a staggered breath both lost in the memory.

"We will get her back" I say as I place a hand on each of their shoulders.

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