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To say I was shocked is a completely right I've never seen Dimi do something like that for some chick. I have to admit though watching him toss her over his shoulder them smack her ass was funny.

The look on his face when she stoped was as if he had just won a million dollars or some shit he wore a smug smirk as he looked up at me as if taunting me.

I pound back my glass of whiskey just as Dimi walks in and places the chick on the couch then comes and stands next to me with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hey what th-" she starts to say but then stops mid sentence after look up a blush creeps onto her cheeks and she casts her eyes downwards looking at her lap.

"What's your name beautiful" I ask watching her fidget with the hem of her short ass dress trying to keep it from riding up more then it already has.

"I um m..my name is um it's Indigo" fuck her voice is soft and suductive with out even trying. But the way she's struggling and breathing has me thinking she's afraid and not in a good way.

"Take a deep breath for me okay" I say and take a deep breath with her. She glances up at me as we take another deep breath and I see she's less tense.

Indigo Damn her name is unique just like her she's even more stunning up close.



I watch how she reacts to Roman as he asks her her name, and she nervously answers her voice is sexy and soft. At first I thought it was nerves but as I watched her I could tell that she's been abused, she's unsure of why she's here.

Roman has her take a few deep breaths obviously picking up on the same thing I did and she starts to relax just a little glancing up at him for a split second then looking back down at her fidgeting hands.

Fuck her name is beautiful just like her. It's a unique name.

Those piercing crystal blue eyes and blonde hair perfect round ass and natural tits, full kissable pink lips god snap the fuck out of it she's just gonna be a good fuck I tell myself, not believing my own words.

"I'm Dimitri and this is my twin brother Romen" I say pointing to him "and this is our club"

"How old are you gorgeous"

"Um 20 I..I know I'm un..under age I'm sorry I'll go now" she says about to get up.

"No it's okay beautiful" Roman practically shout at her and she flinches.

"It's okay do t worry about it besides we own the place remember"I tell her and she just nods a little not looking up at us.

I can't take it I need her to look at us, at me. As if reading my mind Ro steps forward and places his index and middle fingers under her chin lifting it so shes looking up at him.



I have to admit I'm a little bit afraid. I've seen guys like them come and go from our house back when I was with him and they always brought trouble. They even got to join in on the beating once because I was according to him disrespectful to our guests.

I can't look at them their intimidatingly  sexy eyes are like dark waters pulling me in, so I keep my eyes cast downward. I fidget with my hand and try to keep my dress from going up any higher then it already has. I bet the crowd on the dance floor got a real good view of my ass as Dimitri carried me off of it.

There fucking fine ass hell. I can see that both of them have tattoos and I just want to see if they have them all over. I want to trail my finger tips along every dark inky lines tell I. Yeah no down girl your not there type remember.

I may have my head down but I look up every so often and get glimpses of them through my lashes.

Dimitri has a strong jawline with full lips and stunning brown almost black eyes that could make your knees buckle with just one look. He's got a nice lean muscular body and he's tall '6-2 maybe 3.

Romen has a softer almost baby face with nice full lips straight beautiful nose and light brown eyes, he's got just a little bit more muscle then Dimitri but not by much he's also tall I'd say '6 maybe '6-1 his hair is a soft brown color with a messy look compared to Damitri's more casual look.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I feel someone place there fingers under my chin bringing my face and eyes up to meet the light brown eyes of Romen.

"Never hide those stunning blue eyes from us gorgeous" Romen says in a soft husky voice that sends shivers all the way down to my throbbing core.

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