Chapter 8: Just Tell Her.

Start from the beginning

"Scarlet" Tim smiled "You are overthinking this. The fortune teller made stuff up and the Joker is not going to go near you. He's probably after batman, why you? He has never atacked you before or any of us" Tim then began saying all the different things the Joker was interested in and being involved with the Waynes or any high up family was too "boring" for his games. "The Joker would rather swim in chemicals than go near you, Scar' a good way I mean" Scarlet giggled a bit. He then asked about the dream. The words couldn't form as it was hard to picture again.

Scarlet was walking along a corridor. However it never stopped. At one point she began running through it until doors at the sides began to open. Laughs and weird objects began poking her and trying to draw her into the doors. When she got to the final one everything went quiet. Something had drawn her to turn the handle and when she did a voice came "I've been waiting..." it said playfully. Then flashes of old photos and news reports began taking over her vision until she woke up.

Tim placed an arm on her back. He slowly rubbed up and down talking "He is not going to get you I promise. Hey, Robin will protect ya" Scarlet chuckled. It had been a long while since she had seen that boy. He visited a couple of times, even saved her from a tree once, but apart from that it had been a long while since she laid eyes on him. Even then, her Robin is probably all grown up. There was talks on how Nightwing, Red Hood  were all past robins. But she couldn't figure out which one was hers.

She leaned against her bedframe.

"Will you miss this?"


"Well," Scarlet started "We will both be leaving school to go to Uni or something. I know you are wanting to go away and like..... It's really going to change for good now. We barely see Dick and Jason already and now probably less" She hated the thought of all of them not seeing each other anymore. How they would need to just move on and cope with their new lifes and pretend it would be all good.

"It will be fine" Tim cringe to himself  knowing he would still see his brothers. He looked away a bit as the guilt took over. Why couldn't we just tell her? His mind traced back to  a couple of years ago. Damian had just started joining as the next Robin and he was recently doing his own missions along with young justice training.

-- memory --
Tim and Scarlet Age: 15
Dick Age: 22  Jason Age:20

Tim was trying to upgrade his belt on his desk. Squinting his eyes, to get a better look at the wires, he was interrupted by a conversation. "So he can know and not Scarlet? He can be part of this?"  Jason and Dick stood across from Bruce who was also in that position. Jason had recently visited to get some of his old motorcycle parts before heading out of town, when Dick introduced Damian to him and how he was the new Robin. "Bruce, Jason has a point. It's unfair for all of us knowing" Tim turned fully to see Dick go against Bruce. Especially as he sided with Jason. "Surely she can find out. We don't need to train her but-

"No" Bruce said sharply. His face focused as he tried to not show either of them expression. "Damian knew about this already. He was a trained assasiann. If he didn't come from that background I wouldn't let him in either". "But he is" Jason interrupted "And it's a good time to tell her now before this blows up even more". "I am unsure what you mean" Bruce began turning to his chair and started looking up the latest reports for his mission. Jason gritted his teeth before Dick put a hand infront of him with a reasurring look. He stepped close beside Bruce "What Jason, and I, are saying is that you don't want her finding out in the future and you regret not letting her know" Bruce began typing away "You have to see it yourself. She feels so lonely Bruce. It has gotten better with Jason back fully but we keep on having to lie and make horrible excuses"

Tim started to walk closer. He knew the best on how Scarlet felt amongst the boys. The amount of times she went to the bathroom to cry or their friends telling him or asking him to tell the boys off was getting too much to count. He wanted to contribute until Bruce argued "It's part of the job". "But she's our sister!" Jason went up to him "Every other justice family has everyone knowing. Why can't we? Is your ego so high-"

"Jason I said enough" Bruce stood up quickly turning to him "What do you think that will do? Cure everything? Make her feel better? She already has therapy with you dying and coming back. You think she can handle this!"

"Guys, let's just calm-" Dick put his hand to his head.

"Better now than later. The longer you wait the longer it will get worse" Jason pointed at Bruce. "She deserves the normal life. You said it yourself"  

"You say that but we all know the real truth" Jason went up to his face. Tim began getting closer as the tensions had arisen in the room. His eyes going back and forth between the two heros. Jason continued glaring at Bruce "We are all part of this. She is not. The only reason you don't want her to know is because she is your escape. You can go to her to not think about it. You can go to her to relax. If you can't use her for that then she is pointless to you-"

"How dare you say that" Bruce remarked gritting his teeth "I have done everything to protect her. Why should I tell her about this?  You admitted yourself she deserves a normal life. You want the risk of her getting hurt? Getting killed? You think I can live with that"

"You lived through my death just fine" Jason fought back.

Dick and Tim looked at each other as the realised the seriouses of this situation. Dick finally got between the two and began to calmly say the two opinions. However, before he could finish, Jason began walking away to his motorcycle. Tim tried to stop him but his heart pounded as he began talking "Jason wait-"  "Leave me alone Tim." Jason walked forward as Tim got Infront of him. He sighed getting annoyed  "We can work it out. Maybe if we go slowly with Bruce it could- " "Tim nothing is going to change. Bruce doesn't change his mind" Jason pushed past him knowing he would end up hurting the boy more. He couldn't be in the cave much longer. Especially as he could tell everyone would follow Bruce anyways.

Tim stood there alone as Jason went off to get ready to leave. His eyes watered as he walked over to Bruce and Dick continue to argue. Dick was frowning during this point "Bruce, you need to undertand how this could effect her too. She already has gone through a lot with her not knowing. I overheard Diane and even Superman -"

"I don't care what they think!" Bruce shouted in his face "I know what's best! Do what you want but it won't do her any good" He began walking up the stairs to the manor leaving Dick to bite his lip turning to Tim. He met the boy's eyes and that he was hurting. He slowly went over to give a hug "It will be okay. Just Bruce being stubborn" Tim hugged back and sniffed a little "Yeah, I guess... I just want her to know too.... I have when Jason fights with him too. I just want us to be happy"

"We are" Dick pulled away leaving his hand on his shoulder "It's just a rough patch... everyone goes through this. I promise" Tim nodded listening. Dick then called it a night and Tim walked up the stairs as well to the manor. He began blinking to hide his emotions incase Scarlet was near. Going through the secret passage he decided to talk to long walk to his room. The voices from the cave kept appearing in his mind as he wanted to come up with his own opinion. However, he didn't want that opinion to split the family. His pondering continued as he walked past the TV room - a room with many cosy chairs, shelves of books and movies and a big TV in the middle. He heard laughter and stopped for a moment to peer in.

The TV was playing a movie as the room was filled with giggles. Scarlet was resting next to Bruce has he kept trying to mess her hair up. She began trying to fight back but kept getting giggled instead until she gave up. Scarlet lied cosy on the couch as Bruce put an arm around her with a soft smile. He closed his eyes too as the TV kept on playing the movie. Before he could turn to the door, Tim walked away with the pit of his stomach feeling sick.

For once in his life.

He felt Bruce was wrong.

Very wrong.


"You okay" Scarlet mumbled going to sleep. He turned to her smiling and kissed her forehead "Yeah, don't worry. Lunch together tomorrow?"



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