Smile, Because Yours is Irresistible

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Insightful feeling. She really loved this.

Aretha found out, that being alone is amazing.

She never really had any friends, but instead, many people called her their best friend. People loved Aretha. But, Aretha thought, it was all not important.

Day by day, she was surrounded by her friends. Her 'friends', if she can phrase it. In her highschool, she was a primadona. Loved by many, hated by none. But, she was always looking for something that wasn't present.

She's looking for the ultimate love.

Love experience. She never had it before. She doesn't know how to love, or what to love. Is it a person? Or is it a thing? Or maybe imaginary boyfriend? She doesn't know.

She always ask this question to her sitting partner in highschool, Sam. Sam is actually a really interesting dude, but he's always afraid to girls except Aretha.

Aretha, being open minded, always talk her thoughts seriously to other person. Sam always loved when she talks about herself. Aretha even only mentioned that she always wanted to be alone. She never gets the experience, and really eager to go away and enjoy something new.

Something fresh.

"Ahh, how lovely it is if I can be alone,"
"Haha, I know. Maybe you can try go somewhere? Maybe an evening alone?"
"Hmm, interesting idea. Any ideas where?"
"Let me think. There's a cafe on the top of the hill where it is peaceful."
"Ohh, I read about it on Twitter. Yeah, that place is great!"
"Or maybe being alone when you're traveling to outer city? But only if you're well prepared of course."
"Hmm, about the outer city,"
She continued, "How about you join me?"
"W-what? With me?"
"Yeah, you seemed to be pretty prepared in case anything happens right?"
"I see."
"And also, I need a guide if I get lost, hahahaha"
"Are you sure? But, in this case, you are not alone."
"Don't worry, I know you're good when you're alone. So, you can leave me and then I'll message you when it's done."
"I see, okay."
"But, don't tell anyone okay?"
She continued, "I don't want everyone to barge in."

She's indeed put a lot of trust to Sam. Sam never knew that he could be friends with the beautiful Aretha. When they first seated together about 3 months ago, Aretha was already this friendly.

She tells something she never said to any of her so-called friends.

She doesn't know, but she always felt something new and better when she talk to him. Maybe Sam's a good listener, and he can give good advices.

Many of the guys in her class always talk to her. She often got confessed by someone new, but she rejected it. She thought, that being lovers mean you're seldom alone. She wanted to be alone.

The day of the trip came, it was Saturday. They both met in the train station. He got amazed when Aretha wore a Bandana and thought she was beautiful.

Just like the song from James Blunt. And he knew, that she will never be his.

It will be a one day trip, and tomorrow they decided to go to the cafe up on the hill. They visited the metropolitan city, and she wanted to be alone there. Despite the number of people in the city, she never felt more alone.

That's when she realized her phone went missing. She tried hard to find it, but with the mix of people in the city, she never knew what could happen.

In that mix of feelings, she searched for Sam. She screamed, "Sam! Sam! Hey Sam!"

Two seconds later, Sam appeared behind her and asked, "hey hey, what's the matter?"
"Do you see my phone?"
"Yeah, you're giving it to me remember?"
"Ohhh yes, right! Of course!"
"Yeah! Thanks."
"Yeah, you look beautiful with that smile of yours." Is what he wanted to say.
"Don't worry."
"You know, from what I feel now, being alone is really interesting. I can feel more free by myself, and let me express something new."
"I have an idea."

He led her to a bookstore.
"I thought, if you want to try being alone, you can try reading a novel."
"Wow, interesting. I never read anything before."
"I suggest you read something light first. Which one do you like? Romance? Action?"
"Hmm, I guess romance?"
"I see, then this would be good to start."

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