Part eight

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We were all in a car the next day

"I don't know why you won't just tell me exactly where we're going"
Michael said

"I'm sorry. I'm already a little freaked out I've said too much"
Madelyn chuckled
"And you being who you are.."

"It's okay, you don't have to be nervous around me"
Michael smiled
"I'm the same guy i was when you met me"

"That is so not true!"
Madelyn laughed

"Just tell me"
Michael coaxed

"We are, like, this secret network. We all know each other"
She smiled

"A secret network of people who should their souls"
I asked

"Did you sell your soul? You know.. to meet the devils son?"
She asked

"No, it was an accident"
I shrugged

"Anyway, if you think about this network like it's a hotel, then i am taking you to the penthouse"
She smiled
"No one is gonna pass up the chance to meet the true son of the most foul. If there is anyone who can get you back on track, they can"

We arrived at a huge glass building, we were let in the gates. Me and Michael walked in

He said randomly

"For what?"
I asked, walking alongside him

"Going through all of this with me"
He smiled

"Eh, no problem"
I said
"That's what friends do"

"I've never had.. a friend before"
He hummed
"Thanks for being the first and best one"

"It's all good"
I shrugged
"Thanks for letting me not die.. you know what i mean?"

"Yeah, i know what you mean"
He said

"How about we do something after this?"
I suggested

"Like what?"
He asked

"I dunno, like.. grab lunch or something"
I said, he nodded

"That sounds nice"
He stopped, we arrived at a desk
"Can you tell your bosses that we're coming up"

"And who are you?"
The woman asked

"Someone very important"
Michael said, walking towards the elevator

We stepped in, he pressed a button

I leaned on the wall opposite from Michael

"This elevator music sucks"
I noted

He agreed

"I think you did pretty well at the church yesterday"
I tried to make small talk, elevators are always so awkward

"Thanks, i think you did well too"
He smiled
"Also uhh.. thanks for the whole.. forest thing"

"You can quit saying thanks"
I smiled back
"Let's cut this short- you're welcome for.. everything. There. You don't ahve to say thanks"

His face crashed into mine, i didn't expect it as it was so random

"Hey! Woah- calm down"
I pushed him off of me

He looked down
"I just.. never felt this way about anyone before"

"Me neither"
I shrugged
"New experience for the both of us"

"I think.."
He started
"I like you-"

The doors opened

"We have stuff to do, let's chat about this later"
I walked out and down the hall

We walked into a lab, a brunette with a bowl cut was standing next to a ginger with the same haircut

"Dude, what's up?"
The brunette asked
"Come on in, dying to meet you. Madelyn's really been talking you up. That lady is whacked, right?"

"No offends, but i thought you'd be a little more jacked"
The ginger asked
"And who's that total babe?"

"None of your concern"
Michal said
"And we're both sixteen, so i don't deem that appropriate"

"Yeah, not cool"
The brunette scolded the ginger
"Uhh.. what's your names again?"

"Michael Langdon"
He responded
"And this is y/n"

"You gotta admit, that's a little weak.. right?"
The brunette laughed

The other agreed
"Shouldn't it be beelzebub or some shit like that?"

Michael walked off, hurt from the insults. I followed

"Woah! Woah dude! Hey!"
The two dummies called

"No, nununo! We believe you!"
The brunette coaxed him back
"I just thought.. I'd be pissing my pants or something like that"

"Yeah, how do we know that you're the antichrist"
The ginger asked

Michaels attention went to a girl in the corner, the lights flickered and she burst into flames

"Holy shit"
I gasped
"That's a little.. harsh"

"Uh.. hail Satan!"
They both said, getting on their knees

"Always so dramatic"
I shook my head


Michael sat outside with Mutt and Jeff, i stayed inside looking at all the gadgets

I suddenly got a text

"They ordered sushi, i don't like it. Do you want it?"

I took the elevator down to the ground floor and walked out into the grassy part. I picked up the chopsticks and started to eat

"So what are you bozos talking about?"
I asked

"I'm asking them to make a ms. Mead"
Michael said, scooting over

I sat next to him, finishing the sushi

"This is good"
I said, putting the chopsticks down


A day or two went past, the mead robot was finished and was switched you on

She sat up and looked at Michael

"Oh how I've missed you, Michael"
Was the first thing she said
"And you're still working with y/n"

She smiled at me

"I missed you too, dear"
She said

I smiled back to her, me and Michael took her home

Michael was currently living in my home, my parents were barely ever home so it was perfect

Michael Langdon x y/n 😻😻Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang