Part six

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We went out for coffee, i paid this time. Apparently this was Michaels first coffee that he's ever had

Halfway through, he gasped. He obviously realised something

We dropped everything, i followed Michael to.. three poles in the ground?

At the bottom of them we're burnt body's, i gasped at the awful sight

"Holy shit- is that..?"
I ran up to the middle one, it had a striking resemblance to Michaels mother
"Is that your mom?"

He walked up next to me, trying to figure out what the charred body was. Once he worked it out, he screamed in pain

He fell to the floor and started sobbing

"Oh jeez"
I sighed quietly
"It'll be alright, i promise"

"It's over"
A familiar voice said

I turned around, Cordelia stood with a parasol over her

"That was an asshole move"
I raised my eyebrows
"What did she ever do?"

"Oh sweet girl, he's trapped you in a spell"
She sighed, moving on to a different topic
"But we know who you are, Michael. Your allies are all dead. You failed"

"I've already proven to you that i can defy death"
Michael sniffed, standing up and turning around
"I'm just gonna bring her back. And when i do, Ms. Mead will stand by me as we watch you die"

I tilted my head

"You can certainly go to hell, but you won't find her there"
Cordelia hissed

"What have you done?"
Michael asked, a tear ran down his cheek

"Her soul is hidden by a spell that only i can break"
She answered
"You'll never see her again"

Tears re-formed in Michaels eyes, he held on to my shirt

"You're all alone"
She continued

"I'm never alone"
Michaels voice broke, holding back the tears
"I have y/n, I have my father!"

"Where is he now?"
Cordelia stepped forward
"Why did he let this happen? You don't have to follow this path your father laid out for you. You can write your own destiny. You can still turn away. You can release this poor girl and maybe start a family. There's humanity in you. I see it. If you come with me, maybe we can find it. Together"

Michael took Cordelias hand, but pulled her dangerously close to him

"Somehow, some way, i am gonna bring her back. And then I'm gonna kill every last one of you"
He hissed
"We're leaving"

I followed Michael

I whispered to Cordelia


We went for a walk through a forest, it was a lengthy beautiful forest

We found a clear space, Michael moved some sticks out the way then drew a circle with his finger. I walked away and sat by a tree, watching him finish the circle

"I'm not going any further"
He spoke out into the emptiness
"Father, just tell me what to do, and I'll do it"

He stood in silence, waiting for something to happen

Michael Langdon x y/n 😻😻Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang